GALANGAL: (Alpinia officionalis or A. galanga)

 Also known as Low John the Conquerer or Siamese Ginger. Galangal has dark green, sword-shaped leaves, white flowers with pink veins, round red seed capsules, and a rhizomous rootstalk that smells of ginger and camphor. The rhizome has a spicy, gingerlike flavor used in Southeast Asia soups and curries. The young shoots and flowers are eaten raw and the flowers can be boiled or pickled. The rhizome yields an essential oil, essence d’Amali, used in perfumes.

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GINGER: (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger has an aromatic rhizome, erect stems of two ranks, lance-shaped leaves, and spikes of white flowers. The rhizome is used fresh, dried, pickled and preserved. Essential to Asian dishes. Crystalized or infused Ginger suppresses nausea.

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GALANGAL: (Alpinia officionalis or A. galanga)

Also known as Low John the Conqueror or Siamese Ginger. Galangal has dark green, sword-shaped leaves, white flowers with pink veins, round red seed capsules, and a rhizomous rootstalk that smells of ginger and camphor. The rhizome has a spicy, ginger-like flavour used in Southeast Asia soups and curries. The young shoots and flowers are eaten raw and the flowers can be boiled or pickled. The rhizome yields an essential oil, essence d’Amali, used in perfumes.

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The Herb Chronicles – Adventures with Freyja

Why the Herb Chronicles are the new Black
This unique, fun and educational book series was written by an Advanced Master Herbalist and Naturopath and is aimed at educating children from the ages of 5 to 11.
The younger ones will love it when you read the story to them! It creates bonding time and also helps them with the pronunciation of words.
The Herb Chronicles will sweep your children away into fun adventures with delightfully realistic characters while they learn important facts, history, medicinal benefits and practical applications of various herbs and plants.
In fact, YOU will be learning a few things, too!
In the first set of 12 stories, they learn practical applications and benefits of Aloe Vera, Basil, Chamomile, Ginger, Golden Rod, Thyme, Yarrow, Lavender, Nasturtiums, Mint, Elderberry and Rosemary.
The storyline is carried throughout the 12 books and they follow up on each other. In each book a specific use of an herb or plant is explored.
Every book comes with printable worksheets that will aid comprehension, teach them new words and make learning a lot of fun! Every story is also accompanied by a recipe (or two) for them to make. These recipes cover healing ointments, cough syrups, healthy drinks, and even bath salts!
They all present a fantastic opportunity for you to help them and create valuable family time!
As parents we want our children to grow up with the skills and virtues of empathy, compassion, respect, and love for our environment.
But how do we manage to teach them these values in today’s world when our children are bombarded with indoctrinated messages from the media, peer groups and other outside influences?
The Herb Chronicles – Adventures with Freyja is your secret weapon!
How will the Herb Chronicles help improve your child?
1. When fussy eaters can choose their own, healthy ingredients, they are more willing to eat it. This is especially true if they know the benefits and have grown their own herbs and vegetables.
2. Children take pride in things that they make themselves. Feel the excitement when they start making things with their knowledge of healing herbs! It builds amazing self-confidence and is great for the soul.
3. Education and understanding is a powerful persuader. When children interact with and understand the food they eat (and realize the time and effort involved) they are much happier to eat it.
4. The puzzles were designed to test their comprehension and learn new words. They need fun stimulation to develop their brains. Bonding time is also created.
5. These books will teach them about complex issues like acceptance and empathy, and how to react to certain real-life situations as part of their moral development.
6. When children develop their imagination, they learn to think outside of the box. This is a crucial skill for problem-solving in real life.
7. Children develop resilience by seeing characters make mistakes. When the characters correct their mistakes and get right up again, it teaches them to bounce back from setbacks.
8. Develop your child’s senses: touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight, by helping them discover the real plants in your herb garden. You don’t need to have a large space for planting. Even watching plants growing in a window sill will do!
9. You can transfer your passion for natural, healthy and holistic living to your children in a FUN way!


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Sell Your House Spell


What you’ll need

An orange candle to represent you
6 green candles to represent prospective buyers
A gold pillar candle to represent your house
A mirror big enough to place the candles on
Patchouli incense
Musk oil
2 tbsp each of ground cinnamon, sugar and ginger
A yard of red satin ribbon
Photos of your house along with any clippings of the house from the realty ads
A nail
A red pen or marker
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The healing heat of Ginger

by Anja Heij

My first amazing experience with the healing power of Ginger was during a fasting week I assisted as a student. A bit nervous I applied slices of fresh cut Ginger on the lower back area of my teacher-naturopath, since she was suffering from back-ache since two weeks, and no cure had helped yet. Her back was then covered with towels and a blanket, and half an hour later the backpain had completely disappeared! Since I had cut far too much Ginger I decided to make a delicious tea of the left-overs with Lemon, and this combination had a surprising uplifting effect on the group of fasting people.

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