Crystals are formed along energy lines found within the natural forces of the earth itself.  Even beyond the earth within the natural forces of the cosmos itself.  The stars you see about the earth at night and the other planets also radiates lines of force.  These lines literally transverse the earth itself and generates energy along the meridian of these lines…It is along these lines that crystals are formed in the natural state.  So in essence they are the energy of the cosmos itself.

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Learn How To Direct Life Force Into Your Body – Practice 5-9

Practice #5: While you inhale, imagine life energy enter your body through your left hand. While exhaling, imagine it condensing and building up in an area of your body such as your abdomen. Keep doing so for a while until you feel life energy in that part of the body.

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Learn How To Project Life Force To Persons

Practice #10: Point your fingers of the right hand toward the area between the eyes of your partner. Draw life energy while inhaling and project it into this area between the eyes. Project on other parts of the body. Let your partner do the same on you.

Practice #11: Stretch your arm out and point your fingers as in preceding practice. Do NOT point toward your partner. Point anywhere else. Again you do the drawing and projecting in the rhythm of your breath. This time however you imagine the flow of life energy entering the forehead or any other body part of your partner. Then your partner does the same on you.

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Seven Centers of Force

Chapter VI

In the previous chapter we have seen that, according to the Eastern teaching, the vital or etheric body is constituted of ether and acts as the conductor of prana which is the life principle and energizes matter and produces form. The vital body also embodies that sentient principle in nature called the soul, or rather the vital body is the expression and vehicle of the soul.

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Learn How To See Life Force  Practice #1 – 3

Although this is not absolutely necessary for your beginning of magical practice, it is good if you learn to see life energy.

Practice #1: Hold both hands in front of you, about one foot from your eyes. Do so with a neutral background such as a wall. Have the fingers of both hands touch each other. Now very slowly pull the hands apart and see the “strings” that are still connecting the fingers that separate from each other. For some people it may take a bit of training, but it’s not difficult.

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Learn How To Direct Life Force

You had your first experience with directing life energy when you practiced seeing it with the wand. For some the following practices you will need a partner. To be more effective you need also learn a preliminary practice that employs your capability to imagine. Anything that you image is structure and life energy follows structural principles easier than space-time distances. This characteristic of life force opens up truly fantastic potentials for the person who learns to use it. The whole science of magic is a result of this characteristic of life energy! Our mind creates structures in continuous sequence! This is the reason for the fact that magic is as old as mankind. Earliest man already realized that events sometimes followed visualization.

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The Lovers by Charly

They come two in one
One melting of two lights
Dark to light to one
Moon to Sun, Mother-to-Father
They come full force as one
They come fire to water
World unspoken to a shouting force
Tornado manifesting the unseen
Face of wax melting to steel
Iron fist hiding velvet
Soft to hard, water to rock
Earth to wind, Love to Hate
One equal power to many sides
Twisting to one fate, destiny
Love the great force unseen
Invisible glue of all matter
Come and going into being
From nowhere to the seen
From evesight to oblivion
Tunnel without light beckoning
I call forth the fire
I call forth the water
I call forth the visible
I call forth the unseen
One Power. One Force. One Love
Falling thru Time
Time mirror of illusion.


by Anodea Judith

What is this strange and mysterious Goddess force?
I like to think of Kundalini with a metaphor of connecting gears. In an undeveloped person, the chakras are likely to be small. Each one is spinning in its relative place, but the spinning of one does not necessarily affect the spinning of another. As the chakras grow through the capacity to handle increased energy, they are more likely to touch each other and thereby stimulate the spinning of a chakra above or below. When this occurs, we feel an increased rush of energy and awareness throughout our whole system. We experience the Kundalini force.

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Lachesis (Venom from the Surucucu snake)

by Anja Heij

This remedy is made of the poison of the Surucucu,the Bushmaster, a very aggressive and poisonous snake, with the Latin name Trigonocephalus Lachesis.
In many cultures the snake symbolizes the instinctive forces in us, our “beastly” and emotional part. The snake in circle-form with the tail in his mouth also symbolizes the circle of life and death, creative force, rebirth, immortality and totality. In fairy-tales a snake or dragon is often the guard of a cave (symbol of the unknown, the unconsciousness), the snake as protector of our secret life. The image of the snake gives us a better understanding of the complex character of the Lachesis personality.

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Homeopathy – what’s that?

by Anja Heij

Homeopathy is a daring natural treatment, taking the view that true healing implies healing on all levels of existence by addressing and reinforcing the life force.
In homeopathy healing means becoming free from anything that blocks inner peace, balance and wellness.

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