The Herbal Kitchen 

Below are a list of herbs commonly found in most homes, and their magickal uses. (Information was taken from Gerina Dunwich and Scott Cunningham’s books.)

African Violet – Used as a protection amulet and to promote spirituality in the home. It is burned as a traditional herbal incense of the Spring Equinox Sabbat.

Allspice – Burned as an incense to attract money or luck. It is also used to promote healing.

Aloe – A popular houseplant. Used for protection against evil influences and prevents household accidents.

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Salt Dough

One of the simplest, and one of my favourite crafts, is salt dough. It is really fun. You can mold it into any shape you like, such as goddesses, gods, pentacles, etc. All is you have to do is follow the recipe below, form it into your shapes, set them on a oven tray, and bake them until hard. This depends on what sort of oven you are using. In fact, you can even bake them in the microwave. After baking them, just paint them, and let dry. Voila, you have cute little figures perfect for jewellery, ornaments, decorations, or anything else you can think of.

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Dream Ease Herb Pillows

For dream enhancing pillows the easiest method is to buy already made muslin bags. These come in several sizes and are easy to get online or at local craft shops. You simply fill the bags with the herbs denoted below.
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Beltaine Moon by Charma

Thunderstorm echoes, speaking stories across the earth..
Neath the oaks secret lovers sip golden summer wine..
Beltaine moon rises, shining silver in the evening sky..
In the circle, vibrant, firelit, the lady waits.
DreamSinger sings the songs of old, the dancers spiral turning..
Earth and water, fire and air.. on the altar candles burning.
East then South, West and North, the corner wards are called.
Raise the cup and drink…salute to she who waits..
We who stand on the edge of wonder, ask and do invoke..
Into the circle enter, enter.. love and trust your oath.
The scent of incense fills the night, carries whispers on the wind..
The horned lord bidden, here the lady waits..
Mysteries are spoken, souls and hearts, our will be done…
Passions inflamed are given reign.. freed from earthly bounds.
Renewal, fulfillment, as above.. so below.. and blessed be.
Under the beltaine moon… The lady waits no more..

Befriending the Dragon

There is only one way to befriend the dragon… You MUST be fearlessly honest.

Many of us cannot be honest with ourselves concerning our mistakes, failures and shortcomings. If this is you, STOP NOW! Dragons already know, or sense, the truth, for they can see into your darkest soul. They will tolerate no trickery, nor deceit from the mortals who would call them. If you have problems admitting your failures, mistakes, or shortcomings, and wish to correct this, I would suggest “reflective therapy, which is described below…”

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Code of Ethics for Teachers of Wicca

Below is a code of ethics for teachers of Wicca.

This article may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, providing that this original copyright notice stays in place at all times. Permission for commercial, or periodical publications shall be granted through the author at

© 2002 Brian M. Walsh

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by Anodea Judith

What is this strange and mysterious Goddess force?
I like to think of Kundalini with a metaphor of connecting gears. In an undeveloped person, the chakras are likely to be small. Each one is spinning in its relative place, but the spinning of one does not necessarily affect the spinning of another. As the chakras grow through the capacity to handle increased energy, they are more likely to touch each other and thereby stimulate the spinning of a chakra above or below. When this occurs, we feel an increased rush of energy and awareness throughout our whole system. We experience the Kundalini force.

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