The Herbal Kitchen 

Below are a list of herbs commonly found in most homes, and their magickal uses. (Information was taken from Gerina Dunwich and Scott Cunningham’s books.)

African Violet – Used as a protection amulet and to promote spirituality in the home. It is burned as a traditional herbal incense of the Spring Equinox Sabbat.

Allspice – Burned as an incense to attract money or luck. It is also used to promote healing.

Aloe – A popular houseplant. Used for protection against evil influences and prevents household accidents.

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Common Household Culinary Herbs

Aloe (Aloe vera) : Called the “Burn Plant” because of its effect on burns, aloe is also effective in preventing accidents involving fire or heat. An Aloe growing in your kitchen affords not only it’s healing properties, but also protection against kitchen burns and fires.

Anise (Pimpinella anisum) : A daily cup of anise tea will preserve youth. Anise burned on charcoal before bed will promote prophetic dreams.

Balm (Melissa officinalis) : Bathe in a bath of Balm to attract love. Add to incense and sachets for love and to promote healing.

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