On Healing

On Healing

“So when you see someone who is sick and as a healer you want to assist them, the first thing that you want to understand is that they’re already doing Step 1 [asking], because their sickness is causing them to ask in a more powerful than ever way. And even if the conscious-thinking human weren’t saying “I’m sick I want to be well”, the cells of his body are asking and the asking is already well underway, and flow is already going regarding this individual.

Step 2 [Source answering] is already taking place: the asking and the answering have already taken place! So what you are as a healer, is a facilitator in helping them to relax and allow what they’ve already asked for, and allow Source’s answering to occur.”

– Abraham


From a Baha’i book by ‘Abdu’l-Baha:

Americans and Europeans have heard a number of stories about the Prophet which they have thought to be true, although the narrators were either ignorant or antagonistic: most of them were clergy; others were ignorant Muslims who repeated unfounded traditions about Muhammad which they ignorantly believed to be to His praise. Continue reading “Muhammad”

Prayer to the Cosmic Mother

Oh Goddess Mother,
You are the mystery of Night,
Your radiant shine is the Day,
Infinite realms cascade within You,
Abundance is Your essence of Being,
Blessings flow from You Limitlessly,
Your Universe is harmony and tension in Balance,
Within each of us, You are Alive.

Abby Willowroot  |  Source: Reprinted from SpiralGoddess.com. © Abby Willowroot 2000

Make Me Strong in Spirit

Make me strong in spirit,
Courageous in action,
Gentle of heart,

Let me act in wisdom,
Conquer my fear and doubt,
Discover my own hidden gifts,

Meet others with compassion,
Be a source of healing energies,
And face each day with hope and joy.

Abby Willowroot  |  Source: Reprinted from SpiralGoddess.com. © Abby Willowroot 2000

Out Of Spirits – A.S.L Hermes

Superstition is lining pockets, and occult shops and publishers are thriving in the current atmosphere of New Age credulity. Is an interest in the supernatural a harmless expression of mankind’s curiosity, or a dangerous delusion? Continue reading “Out Of Spirits – A.S.L Hermes”



“It is easy to show that in the interaction between body and soul there lies no greater riddle than in any other example of causation, and that only the false conceit that we understand something of the one case, excites our astonishment that we understand nothing of the other.” – Rudolf Hermann Lotze Continue reading “Foreword”

Ritual of Casting Sacred Circle

Many times we are asked “how do you cast a circle ?”

There are so many different was that this can be done. Differs from each Tradition to the next. Even within our own Avaloian Tradition we make improvisations on this. The main factor is to cast a sacred space. A space that separates this world from the other. A space that we ourselves make holy. And that is what is important. A space that you set aside from all else, to glorify and exalt. For you are the one casting, cleansing, purifying, and setting it aside from all else.

Continue reading “Ritual of Casting Sacred Circle”