Diana, queen of night,
In all your beauty bright,
Shine on us here,
And with your silver beam
Unlock the gate of dream;
Rise bright and clear.
On earth and sky and sea,
Your magic mystery
Its spell shall cast,
Wherever leaf may grow,
Wherever tide may flow,
Till all be past.
O secret queen of power,
At this enchanted hour
We ask your boon.
May fortune’s favor fall
Upon true witches all,
O Lady Moon!

5 Easy Ways to “Walk Your Talk”

This article was written by Deborah Blake
posted under Pagan

Most of us would agree that there is more to being a Witch than celebrating the Sabbats or casting a spell under the full moon. That being said, many modern Pagans struggle to find ways to integrate their spiritual beliefs with their busy and often stressful mundane lives. Work, family, significant others, and all the responsibilities that come with everyday survival can make it difficult to carve out time and space to focus on the spiritual.
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Your Birth Number by David Allen Hulse

Numerology , in addition to assigning three basic number values to the letters of a name, also assigns a birth date to one number, known as the birth number. The birth number reveals influences at birth which will shape the direction your life will take. The birth date is first converted to three basic numbers, one for the month, one for the day, and one for the year. These three dates are then added together and reduced to a single number between 1 and 9.

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Calculating the Number for Your Name by David Allen Hulse

Now modern numerology , having its antecedents in the Hebrew Qabalah , is a simplification of the very complicated number system charted out by the ancient rabbis. The main difference between modern numerology and ancient gematria is the scope of symbolic attributes for the number series. The ancient Hebrew Qabalah gave deep, rich metaphors for every whole integer in the number series as far as one can count. Thus the numbers 6, 60, and 600 each has its own unique poetical number metaphor, while in modern numerology 6, 60, and 600 are each interpreted as the single digit “6.” For in modern numerology only the first nine numbers are symbolically significant, the number metaphors beyond nine having been lost to time.

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Caring for your crystals.

It is important to cleanse crystals, not only when you get them, but regularly after that too. Crystals pick up vibrations both good and bad and to ensure they work to their full capacity and don’t pass negativity on, you need to be aware of the various methods to keep them fully active. Imagine, your crystal has travelled hundreds, possibly thousands of miles before you received it. It has been handled not only by the person who mined for it, but all the other people who have been responsible for it during it’s journey. All of these contacts will have left a form of imprint on the crystal.

Continue reading “Caring for your crystals.”



The best way is often the easiest so keep it simple. Water with a little salt is excellent, wash gently, and dry. Dish soap can be used but do not use dyed or strong chemicals because of the chance of discolouring the crystal.  Avoid scouring pads because it can scratch the surface. If you like your crystals super shiny the try polishing it with a jewelers cloth after.


How to make your own GEL CANDLE

STEP #1 You will only need a few simple tools, of which all can usually be found in your kitchen. A metal spoon, a scale, a measuring cup, and a crock pot with a thermostat or a stovetop pan and a thermometer.

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Learn How To Direct Life Force Into Your Body – Practice 5-9

Practice #5: While you inhale, imagine life energy enter your body through your left hand. While exhaling, imagine it condensing and building up in an area of your body such as your abdomen. Keep doing so for a while until you feel life energy in that part of the body.

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