Sahasrara – The Crown

by Anodea Judith

Element: Thought
Color: Violet
Verb: I know
Attributes: Information, understanding, awareness, consciousness, pattern, meditation

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Svadhisthana – The Seat of Life

by Anodea Judith

Element: Water
Color: Orange
Verb: I feel, I want
Attributes: Polarity, movement, sexuality, pleasure, emotion

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by Aldis Putelis

Dekla is a deity of fortune and destiny. One of the first mentioning of her is found in Paul Einhorn’s “Historia Lettica…” (1649), spelled Daekla. She functions together with Laima but in general she is less mentioned and described. Her functions are not as clear and they double those of Laima. If Laima has more general power influencing human life and destiny, Dekla seems to be the goddess of beginning as it is etymologized through the verb deht having meaning “to make; to create”. Still also this interpretation is hypothetical. Dekla is found in very few folklore texts, mostly those from the western part of Latvia.

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