
Aids central nervous system, thyroid gland, body reflexes, pituitary gland,  pancreas.   Strengthens  immunity.  Improves memory. Eases physical/emotional trauma. Reduces stress, calms mind.  Alighns  root  and heart chakras for bringing love into action and  manifestation  (red/black  variety).  Self-esteem, confidence.  Enhances energy levels in body mind. Pink variety (no black)  helps  impart  understanding  of  strength  within vulnerability.   Great  stone  for  light-workers  serving  in cities.  (1,4)


Lakota Wisdom

by Amber Wolfe
One of the most beautiful, synchronous aspects of the current shamanic reemergence is that it coincides with the great expansion in human consciousness and potential. The shamans of old may have had to rely on harsh experiences of physical and psychic trauma to access and tune into other worlds beyond form. We, however, have now reached a place in human development that allows us to delve into the deepest wisdom
and purest form of energy.

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