Bee Products

Honeybees not only are smarter than computers, they can outperform them in other functions, too. They can see in color, smell, fly, walk, maintain their balance, navigate, do chemical engineering, manufacture, repair, protect, take out the garbage, control indoor climate, and even relocate when necessary. They do all of this and more without any outside assistance or direction. They function independently.

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Group Ethics Rules: Opening Suggestions!

By: Raven

Too often I had seen the Craft used as a personal power-trip, or with a disregard for the effects on others.  This time it happened in my home.
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Oceania/Polynesia creation myths

by Daphne Elliot

In the mythology of Oceanic peoples, Forever has always existed. So has Darkness, and so, too, the Sea.
Soaring over the endless sea, The Old Spider fond a giant clam and opened it and crawled inside. It was totally dark, and cramped inside but she found a snail, whom she asked to open the shell a bit so she could have more room.

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Alyosha Popovitch

by Cyril Korolev

In Russian folklore Alyosha Popovitch is an epic hero, a mighty warrior and a trickster. Unlike Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikititch and other heroes, who served prince Vladimir of Kiev, protected borders of old Russia and fought with various monsters, Alyosha won battles not by his physical superiority but by insidious tricks. He was always ready to play mischievous pranks on his friends too. Once, when Dobrynya went far away, Alyosha came to Dobrynya’s wife and told her that her husband was dead and that she should marry him. She rejected him, and afterwards Dobrynya beat Alyosha to death.

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Learning to Breathe by Choalayna

Learning to breathe for meditation and health has proved to be a “practicing” step with a few people. I know it took me awhile to get the hang of it. But once learned, easy as pie!
Breathing correctly, especially during meditation is not only helpful to attain the relaxation but is one heck of a healthy one too!

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Cancer requires two events: initiation and then promotion. A chemical that causes either initiation or promotion can act as a carcinogen, a molecule that can cause cancer. Some herbal molecules can prevent cancer by thwarting either mechanism, but there are plant molecules that cause cancer, too.

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Air Meditation

(taken from the WICCA echo on Sun 24 Jan 93 22:17)

It is dawn. I find myself in a forest filled with Aspen trees.
I raise my eyes and look for the sky, but the boughs looming overhead hide it from my view. As I look up, feel the cool breeze of spring brush my face, and hear the sound of the rustling leaves. Blowing, laughing from the east, Eurus brings thoughts of renewal and life. I follow the wind further into the soft shadows of the forest, inhaling deeply the strong scent of the trees. I smell, too, the wafting hints of fragrant incense.

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Mistress of Wild Animals

by Dr Alena Trckova-Flamee, Ph.D.

Mistress of the Wild Animals (Potnia theron) or Queen of the Wild Bees, appears under many names. Her Minoan name was Britomartis or Sweet Virgin and she was related to Diktynna. The name Potnia is known from the Linear script B tablets and was being used for the main Mycenaean female deity. For the iconographical type goddess surrounded by the animals, who was applied into Archaic Greek art, was used usually the name Potnia theron, but sometimes Artemis too.

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Minoan Snake Goddess

by Dr Alena Trckova-Flamee, Ph.D.

The Snake Goddess was one of the Minoan divinities associated closely with the snake cult. She is called also Household Goddess due to her attribute of the snake, which is connected with welfare of the Minoan house. But the snake is also symbol of the underworld deity, so the Snake Goddess is related to chthonic aspects too.

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by Dr Alena Trckova-Flamee, Ph.D.

Amphiaraus – the legendary king of Argos, the seer and healer, honored as a god.
According to the mythological story Amphiaraus was the son of king Oikles (Oicles) from the line of Melampus, who was a great seer-healer. This gift was handed down from generation to generation and Amphiaraus took this disposition too. He became the king of Argos, ruling together with Adrastus, whose sister Eriphyle became his spouse too. Polynices, the son of Oedipus, chased by his brother, visited Argos and asked for the assistance to seize Thebes. Amphiaraus did not agree to take part in the war, because he already knew, that the gods would get angry and the leaders should pay for it very badly.

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