
To find out how long you will live, blow the seeds off the head of a dandelion. You will live as many years as there are seeds left on the head. To tell the time: blow three times at the seed head. The number left is the hour. The root, when dried, roasted and ground like coffee, is used to make a tea. This infusion will promote psychic powers. This same tea, steaming and placed beside the bed, will call spirits. To send a message to a loved one, blow at the seed head in his or her direction and visualize your message. Dandelion, buried in the northwest corner of the house, brings favorable winds.

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Cinnamon –

Promotes spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, lust, love, and protection. You can bake cinnamon into almost any desert thereby creating a sort of semi incense state that releases its’ spiritual energy. It is a powerful powder or oil – be cautious, as many people are allergic to it.

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A high-vibration oil, used for personal protection. It is also a sexual stimulant in the female. Added to any incense, it increases its powers. Mixed with powdered sandalwood, it makes an incense suitable for all religious or spiritual magic. Good for meditation, illumination, and so on.

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The Alder is the tree of fire. In the battle of the trees, the Alder fought in the very front line. It is described as the very “battle witch” of all woods, the tree that is hottest in the fight. From the alder, you can make three different dyes, red from its bark, green from its flowers, and brown from its twigs; this symbolizes the elements of fire, water and earth. The Alder wood is the wood of the witches. Whistles may be made of this wood to summon and control the four winds. It is also the ideal wood for making the magical pipes and flutes. To prepare the wood for use, beat the bark away with a willow stick while projecting your wishes into it. The Alder is a token of resurrection. It is associated with Bran, as He used His body as a bridge to span dangerous waters. Alder indicates protection and oracular powers.

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Draconic Wicca is the utilization of the powers of the dragons.

There are as many dragons as there are people. They are as varied as humans are also. We work with these dragons to achieve the results that we seek. In doing so, we have to deal with the unique personalities of each type of dragon. The dragons have no real hierarchy other than age, except for the case of ‘The Dragon’.

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— One of my favorite stones!!! Amethyst helps to calm fears, reduces stress, dispels doubts and negativity, and can relieve depression and promote good judgement. Amethyst induces vivid dreams, increases mental powers, and is useful in psychism. I keep an amethyst with my Tarot cards, and have found that this greatly enhances their power. Also useful for drawing pure, true, emotional love!

Basics of Vodou (Lesson 2)


The lwa are immortal spirits with supernatural powers. They fall somewhere between God and the human race. They are very similar to the saints, angels and demons of Catholicism. The lwa oversee all human activities such as: marriage, childbirth, health, work, money, war, art, etc.

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Introduction to witchcraft

I am brother to dragons
and companion to owls

(Old Testament, Job 29:30)

Many people are drawn, these days, to the idea of witchcraft. Some seek religious freedom, some wish for magical powers, some wish to reawaken the ancient links with our Mother Earth, or seek healing of both body and spirit.

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Bleeding Lance

by Brian Edward Rise

Bleeding Lance (The Spear of Destiny, the Holy Lance) – A sacred object, imbued with magic, in Grail ceremonies. Drops of blood issue from its point. When the Grail is Christianized, this weapon transforms into the Holy Lance, the spear that pierced the side of Christ by the hand of a Roman soldier named Longinus. The blood is that of the lamb and drips ad eternam into the Grail. From the Vulgate Cycle on the Lance is also the weapon that inflicted the Grail-keeper’s wound even though it is often attributed with  healing powers.

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Dragon Types

Air – Air Dragons are the third rarest of the four types of Elemental Dragons. Members of this breed belong to a race of Draconic beings. At times join forces with the dragons of fire and volcanoes, seas and other waters, mountains and forests, and chaos. Sometimes there is conflict of elemental powers, producing great atmospheric and environmental disturbances, but mostly the elementals work in harmony.

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