Disease and The Creative Process in Magick by Anja Heij

“Health is inner peace”
A Course in Miracles

On this place I would like to say some words about illness and responsibility for your own life. At some level everyone of us is responsible for everything in the whole world, and – eventually – in the Universe. There is no such thing as coincidence, good or bad luck from a bigger point of view; all events and circumstances are actively or passively created by one or more persons, and we are all connected. Many healing arts state that disease has its origins in the mind and disfunction of the body is its result. In A Course of Miracles we read:

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Learn How To Project Life Force To Persons

Practice #10: Point your fingers of the right hand toward the area between the eyes of your partner. Draw life energy while inhaling and project it into this area between the eyes. Project on other parts of the body. Let your partner do the same on you.

Practice #11: Stretch your arm out and point your fingers as in preceding practice. Do NOT point toward your partner. Point anywhere else. Again you do the drawing and projecting in the rhythm of your breath. This time however you imagine the flow of life energy entering the forehead or any other body part of your partner. Then your partner does the same on you.

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A Ritual of the Heptagram

by Benjamin Rowe
Copyright 1990, 1992 by Benjamin Rowe

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1) No fees may be charged for the distribution or transmission of this document, other than standard charges for use of transmission lines or electronic media. Distribution for commercial purposes or by commercial entities is specifically prohibited.
2) All copies distributed must contain the complete, unedited text of the original document and this copyright notice.
3) Persons acquiring the electronic version of this document may make one printed copy for their personal use.
All other rights are retained by the author.

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by Anja Heij

Most homoeopatic books describe the metal Platinum as mainly a remedy for women. I myself know several male Platinums, and I would like to start this homoeopatic picture with one of them:
Mr. K. Birkenstock, manufacturer of healthy hippie-sandals, dismissed in 1975 150 of his 1700 employees, because they dared to ask for better working-conditions. These 150 employees were all active members of a trade union, requesting equal payment for men and women. Mr. Birkenstock wrote them this: ” You will all quite rightly be treated as lepers and despised. And that is the least thing that should be done right here. With your incorrect, disgusting behaviour you have placed yourself outside the community.” Once when the press asked who had bought his sandals, the manufacturer effortless named a number of prominent persons: “Boris Becker, Steffi Graf, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Norman Schwarzkopf, Clint Eastwood…”

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Hyoscyamus niger

by Anja Heij

Hyoscyamus niger is a remedy for the more passive psychoses. There certainly can be outbursts of violent aggression, but usually the patient is mainly occupied with him- or herself. These people are talking nonsense to themselves or to unseen people, often making automatic gestures like picking at their clothes. This is the behaviour you often see in old senile persons.

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Argentum nitricum (Silver Nitrate)

by Anja Heij

This is silver nitrate, a very ‘warm’ remedy, meaning that it fits warm-blooded people. There is also Argentum metallicum, the homoeopatic metal silver, and that one fits very chilly persons. Argentum nitricum and Argentum metallicum are quite alike, although Argentum nitricum has a more distinct image and is much more renown.

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