The Empress by Charly

Beautiful Mother Divine
Creator of the highest and noble
Beauty builder of raw creation
Project of wonder to finishing
She is love to inspire in nature
Born of the elements to complete
Finesse and delicate maker of
Tiny and wonderous design.
She comes to form content
Give fine shape to the world
Dance and whirl and dazzle
Light focus of the ultimate beauty
Natural creation lifts the imagination
Imagination the pouring cup from our eyes
Our eyes mirrors of wonderous
Universal beauty untold
And we the voice inquisitive speaking
Bearing fruit from trees unknown
Given forth abandoned from what source
We know not but confirmed limitless
Universal darkness full of light unseen
No end to birth coming forth
No limit to possible form
Contents unseen and undetermined
We but brushes painting
We but canvass unrolling
Beautiful Artist Divine
Mother ever inventing…

Celtic Virtues

Culled from such sources as historical documents, folklore and mythology, as well as the Triads, these following virtues have been compiled by modern followers of a Celtic Path. The list of Celtic Virtues varies slightly from group to group.

This list tries to be complete, listing the different Virtues most commonly on the list of as many traditions possible.
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A Ritual of the Heptagram

by Benjamin Rowe
Copyright 1990, 1992 by Benjamin Rowe

Permission is granted to distribute this work in electronic form, with the these conditions:
1) No fees may be charged for the distribution or transmission of this document, other than standard charges for use of transmission lines or electronic media. Distribution for commercial purposes or by commercial entities is specifically prohibited.
2) All copies distributed must contain the complete, unedited text of the original document and this copyright notice.
3) Persons acquiring the electronic version of this document may make one printed copy for their personal use.
All other rights are retained by the author.

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Homeopathy and Personal Growth

by Anja Heij

Generally homoeopathy is believed to work thoroughly but slowly.
Indeed I know many examples of constitutional treatment (meaning whole-person-healing) with homoeopathy that take months or even some years to complete. During these treatments people go through various stages of healing on the physical, emotional and/or mental plane. They lay off psychological coat after coat, defenses once necessary to facilitate the best possible option to live under a certain circumstance. These defense mechanisms, ways to behave, beliefs or habits, have served you during a period of your life. But life is growth and change, and after some time these known patterns become outgrown, outdated, and start to form a block for further progress. Then it is time to clutter out your life, like you would do with your wardrobe. You won’t wear a pair of shoes of thirty years old any longer, do you?

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by Anja Heij

Federico Fellini once said: “There is no beginning, there is no end, there is only the infinite passion of life.”
Infinity is the forever expanding heartbeat of the universe. A well-known symbol for this concept is the snake biting his own tail, or a circle. These round symbols are a simple representation of a deep truth: life is perfect and complete, you are perfect and complete, yet there is always more to learn, try out, understand and experience and therefore we are encouraged to move on our path.

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