The Fool by Charly

Coming to Birth thru the material
Born to the planet thru meat
Open wide gates of the female
I am born cosmic joker.
Pan-God of the universe supreme
Promise of invention reassured
As I, Sun, of the newborn
Come alive from the dark.
King of the unseen, I declare,
Conquerer of the unknown, I do say,
Traveller of the cosmic voyage
I come to be born anew.
I, at the beginning of the journey,
Come full force like a spring
Metal needle standing up
Like a prick of steel
Male protrusion from the universe
Womb of all existence
I come forth, declaring
Seal of eternity on my lips
I give forth all
Inside to the outside
Macro to the micro
Seal of power
Washed upon the shores
Cosmic universe
Lapping at my feet
Article by Charly


by Brandy Williams

Event organizers and open-circle coordinators have, I think, a responsibility to participants to provide a safe and comfortable environment. The Pagan community here in the Pacific Northwest seems to be evolving an ethical standard governing organizers. Althea Whitebirch calls it choice-centered, and I offer my perception of it here as a model and a basis for discussion.

Continue reading “OPEN CIRCLE ETHICS”


To see a bear in your dream, symbolizes independence, the cycle of life, death and renewal. It may signal of period of introspection and thinking. The dream may also be a pun on “bare”. Perhaps you need to bare your soul and let everything out into the open.

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How To Remember Your Dreams

© 1990 by Alex Lukeman

The most powerful time for us to touch the bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind is in the “twilight zone? Between sleep and wakefulness. During this temporary period many of the filters which our outer mind imposes have been removed. The lines of communication are more open. Material can flow more freely between conscious and unconscious. This is a good time to tell yourself that you want to remember your dreams. Try this simple technique for stimulating your memory.

Continue reading “How To Remember Your Dreams”

The Perilous Bridge

Alby Stone

Earth has not anything to show more fair:
Dull would be he of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This city now doth, like a garment, wear
The beauty of the morning; silent bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.

Continue reading “The Perilous Bridge”