Make your movie now!

Write, Produce, And Sell Your Film

“The Filmmaker Action Pack is an on-demand movie producing course that provides you with insider strategies so you can quit procrastinating, make a plan, and take action.”

What Is Included In This On Demand Movie Producer Video Course?

Many people pay thousands of dollars to attend workshops and courses taught by instructors who have never actually raised money and produced movies. 

This training contained in the Filmmaker Action Pack is different. 

This online filmmaking course is based on real world experience. This course provides you with an understanding of independent movie producing so you can take action. 

Module 01:
Write Your Movie

Don’t become a Hollywood hopeful with big ideas, and no material. In this module, you’ll get an overview of the screenwriting process, and gain tactics so you can get yourself an awesome screenplay!

Module 02:
Fund Your Movie

It is difficult to make a movie without money. In this module, you’ll gain easy to implement strategies for meeting prospective investors and building life long business and personal relationships.

Module 03:
Plan Your Movie

Once you get the money for your movie, the next phase is pre-production. You will build a team of talented collaborators, so you can delegate production elements from prep through production.

Module 04:
Produce Your Movie

When it comes to production, you need a plan. In this lesson you’ll find out how to create a production plan that includes cast, crew, locations and all the other elements that goes into making a film.

Module 05:
Edit Your Movie

Editing is the final rewrite for your film. Sometimes a simple change to a scene can have a huge impact on your movie. Discover best practices for working with an editor and what to do when your film is finished.

Module 06:
Sell Your Movie

Movie distribution is changing. When it comes to selling your film, you will want to know which sales agents and distributors would be the correct fit for your movie. Discover the secrets for selling your movie

Click Here for more information!!

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Mid Summer Sabbat Ritual by Rhiana Moonstar

This Sabbat celebrates the Goddess. She is now with child, as is nature with the bounty of the coming harvest. This is a time when energies abound, & is a good time for magick/purification rites. The altar can be decorated with summer herbs, greenery, & flowers. The cup should be filled with milk. If you have made a protective amulet previous to the ritual, you will want to place this on the altar. Before the ritual begins, make a small pouch out of white cloth and fill it with any combination of midsummer herbs that you wish & be sure to add them in threes. Tie pouch with red string & place it on the altar. The altar cloth & candles should be white.

Continue reading “Mid Summer Sabbat Ritual by Rhiana Moonstar”

A Simple Cleansing Meditation by Dawn Firewolf

Make sure that you have a comfortable chair where you can sit with your feet firmly flat on the ground. Loosen any tight clothing and rest your hands in your lap. Relax and breathe deeply and rhythmically. In. Out. Each time you breathe in, envision yourself inhaling the color blue.

Continue reading “A Simple Cleansing Meditation by Dawn Firewolf”

Make Your Voice Heard As You Tread Gently On Our Mother Earth by David Rankine

Making Your Voice Heard
Before buying crystals, remember to ask where the crystal comes from and how it was mined. A lot of crystals are strip mined, which is very harmful to the land, and when handled often have a feeling of being psychically fractured or distressed about them.

Continue reading “Make Your Voice Heard As You Tread Gently On Our Mother Earth by David Rankine”

Make a Silver Branch

© 1995 by D. J. Conway

Some folks who do not care for the sound of the drum prefer to use the musical Silver Branch instead. Similar to the rattle used in other shamanic cultures, the Silver Branch is used as a guide on the journey to the Otherworlds. King Cormac of Ireland received a Silver Branch from an Otherworld stranger and used it to heal his people. As a link between the outer and inner realms, the Silver Branch is a source of inspiration and authority.

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How to make your own GEL CANDLE

STEP #1 You will only need a few simple tools, of which all can usually be found in your kitchen. A metal spoon, a scale, a measuring cup, and a crock pot with a thermostat or a stovetop pan and a thermometer.

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How to make incense

Burning incense makes great sense. It’s a natural, non-toxic air freshener that serves as a terrific alternative to today’s aerosols, plug-ins and the like. It also has a great track record; people have been using it for thousands of years and for all sorts of reasons.
Incense is basically a mixture of herbs, woods and resins that can be powdered and then burned slowly for a fragrant effect.  Ancient cultures burned it for ceremonies and worship. The Chinese and Japanese once burned it as a measurement of time, and today it’s used in religious rituals world-wide. But mostly it just smells great.  I will show you how to collect and prepare the ingredients needed for making incense, including a couple of recipes to get you started. After that, it’s up to you to experiment and create your own custom-made fragrances.
Continue reading “How to make incense”

How to make a Medicine wheel

You can make your first medicine wheel immediately. Your first medicine wheel is the beginning and your doorway to making your life a sacred vision quest. We will make a simple five animal wheel with one animal in each direction and one in the center.
Continue reading “How to make a Medicine wheel”


A simple robe, because not many people can sew. by Jeannette K. Waldie © 2/15/96


If you can’t thread a needle even if you’re life depended on it, you can still make yourself a functional and practical ritual robe.