
Commiphora mukkul
The mukkul myrrh tree is a medium-sized, thorny tree found throughout India. Guggul and gum guggulu are the names of the yellowish resin exuding from its trunk. This resin is the source of the modern extracts of guggul.
Guggul has been used to lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and to treat arthritis and obesity. It is used in ayurvedic medicine to increase circulation, stimulating healthy circulation to the skin and through the veins.

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– Draws out impurities on all levels, balances L & R brain functions, mental illness, co-ordination and vision, radiation eliminator, evil eye protector, all purpose healer, especially in solar plexus & good for healers.

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*In its clear, transparent, pyramidal form, is a gem of very high vibration. It is good for breaking up congestion in the head on all levels, from physical to spiritual. In its solid form and as an essence, Apophyllite can stimulate the pineal gland, assist in breaking up congestion in the sinuses, and help open one’s intuition.

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Blue Quartz

A good healing stone for linking heart with Throat and Brow Chakra to expand self expression and creativity, plus refining communication skill to new levels. Eases throat tension. Immune system, thyroid, iodine and B Vitamin use. Some say shining light through Blue Quartz can help reduce need for glasses. Still evolving. Yin.


Discovering the religious and magickal path that uniquely fits your needs is one of the most joyful and delightful experiences we will ever experience. And now you are at the stage of discovering on a variety of levels. What kind of world will you create? What kind life will you have?

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DHEA – dehydroepiandrosterone

Known as the “mother of hormones,” DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is needed by the body to produce many types of hormones including estrogen and testosterone. DHEA is secreted by the adrenal glands-located on top of the kidneys-as well as by the skin, brain, testicles, and ovaries. Although women make less DHEA than men, in both sexes DHEA production declines dramatically with age; levels are 80%lower at age 70 than at age 30. The significance of these falling DHEA levels, however, has not been determined.

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The rate of sugar metabolism in the body is medicated by the hormone insulin. This regulation of blood sugar levels is not carried out by insulin alone – the mineral chromium is also involved in the process. The ability of insulin to mediate in the regulation of blood sugar cannot occur in the absence of chromium. The mineral chromium also plays vital roles in the metabolism of other bimolecular like fats, proteins and nucleic acids – DNA and RNA, aside from its main role as a cofactor in the regulation of blood sugar levels.

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The Path of the Shaman Then and Now

by Amber Wolfe

I recently heard a wonderfully simple definition of the word shaman .
It was: “A shaman is one who helps people in their dealings with the other worlds.”
These other worlds are the realms above, beyond, and deep within the experiences of our lives. These are the realms of spiritual, psychic vision and of pure, natural Earth energies. In shamanism, these worlds were traditionally represented as the upper world of the sky, or spirit levels, and the lower worlds of Earth and Nature. Humankind, along with all its symbols and traditions, was the middle world. Because of their abilities to alter their states of consciousness, the shamans were able to explore these worlds and bring back vision.

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Jahannam (the Islamic Hell)

by Alan G. Hefner

Jahannam (Hebrew, gehinnom; Greek, gehenna) is the Islamic hell mentioned frequently in the Qur’an, It has seven gates (Qur’an 59. 71; 15. 43) and different levels, the lowest being the tree Zaqqum and a cauldron of pitch and fire. Punishments are in accord to the gravity of sins — a theme much elaborated on by later commentators. Continue reading “Jahannam (the Islamic Hell)”