
*In its clear, transparent, pyramidal form, is a gem of very high vibration. It is good for breaking up congestion in the head on all levels, from physical to spiritual. In its solid form and as an essence, Apophyllite can stimulate the pineal gland, assist in breaking up congestion in the sinuses, and help open one’s intuition.

*The pyramid form is this gem’s signature. The pyramid is a harmonic resonator that channels subtle energies from the higher spiritual planes to the denser–literally manifesting “as above, so below.” Apophyllite essence from this pyramid-shaped gem can anchor higher spiritual energies through the Third Eye, spiritualizing intuitive vision and knowing. In this way, one’s intuition begins to be grounded in a spiritual connection rather than in ego.

*One method of using Apophyllite essence is to place a drop or two of stock (concentrate) strength on your finger and rub into the Third Eye area between the eyebrows. If you wish, you may blend the drops with a small amount of massage oil carrier, then rub it into the spot. Take a couple of drops under the tongue also.

*Close your eyes and slow your breath and thoughts, relaxing your body until you begin to experience your inner sight. It may appear to be something like a blank movie screen of clear light in front of you. As you relax more, you may begin to see a point of light just at the center of your field of vision. Just let it be. Surf with it, so to speak.

*Toning is a great way to support the work of this essence. In the back of your throat with your mouth closed, hum a note and feel where it resonates in your body. Raise the pitch of the note until you feel it vibrating in your head, all the while continuing to visualize the clear screen and the point of light in your head. You’ll probably be toning a note somewhere in the range of A of A#, the notes that correspond with the Third Eye. Use a pitch pipe to help you get there if you wish.

*Beginners and those with chronic eye or sinus problems, headaches or migraines, be careful not to overdo it at first. You’ll have to build up the amount of time you sustain the tone over days and weeks of practice as you work with your breathing. The essence will self-adjust and assist with this, but we all tend to be over-eager at first. Apophyllite’s energy and the toning may begin to break up any physical and psychic congestion in this area.

*As sometimes happens with vibrational remedies, emotional baggage attached to the congestion will may very well start to come up, too. Allow yourself time to nurture yourself as you become aware of it and clear it. Taking Crystal Radience’s “Sea Pearl” Rose Essence can help with self-nurturing. Take it stock strength orally throughout the day as needed and rub a couple of drops into the heart chakra.  Resonating a note close to F in the area of the heart during your practice can help clear congestion there.

*I find it particularly helpful to add a few drops of each essence to a nurturing, warm bath and do this exercise while soaking. In lieu of taking each of these single essences separately, you may take Crystal Radiance’s “Spiritualize Psychic Awareness” Essence and “Self-Nurture” Essence, which are synergistic blends.

*Keep a handkerchief or box of tissues handy. You may find yourself shedding some tears and blowing your nose a lot more for a few days–all a part of the healing process. Eventually, you’ll find yourself feeling more clear-headed, centered and intuitively and spiritually connected.



Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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