Belly Dancing Course

Now ANYONE Can Learn To Belly Dance Easily From Home! Go From Beginner To Expert With Over 50 Step-By-Step Videos With Private Coaching That Beats All Other Belly Dancing Classes!

  • 50 videos with a total running time of 8 hours of in-depth lessons
  • Step-by-step bellydance instruction program presented in an easy-to-follow format
  • 3 different teachers covering 5 major styles of belly dancing.
  • Suitable for BOTH beginners and seasoned dancers.
  • Learn over 40 isolated body movements, each visually demonstrated and verbally described, with on-screen visual aids.
  • All basic moves are covered in the first 2 hours so you will be up and running quickly.
  • Clearly see all movements from multiple viewing angles, including full-body & up-close views. Then perform fluid combinations of the moves you’ve learned!

Click here for more information!!!

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Learn How to Sketch

Would you love to learn how to sketch…

in a fun way… as quickly as possible?

Well, now you can, using the accumulated knowledge of artists from all around the world!

It’s All In One Book…

Essential instructions have been gathered together and condensed into one easily accessible version – saving you hours of trawling through numerous books!

This book has everything you need to learn the basics of drawing and sketching …and it’s here now!

Reeds sketch

You discover great tips that have been forgotten over the years.

I also show you which methods taught me how to sketch and to quickly improve along the way.

Imagine yourself admiring a view and then being able to simulate it on paper with just a few strokes in a few minutes!

Well, guess what? …It is now quite possible for you to be one of those clever people who can jot down an instant visually!

Click here for more information!

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A Cat Spell For Spiritual Growth

© 1998 by D. J. Conway

Sometimes in our busy lives we get too caught up in the everyday cycle of life and we forget our spirituality. In the absence of our mysticism we forget the guidance, support and general well being that spirituality provides for us and lose track of what is important to us. The following is a cat spell for spiritual growth. Let the magickal cat remind us of our spiritual path and help us to regain the sight in which we see it.  Spiritual growth isn’t a one-time “I’ve got it” proposition. Ideally, it is a continuous, upward spiral of knowledge-seeking which never ends. Sometimes a metaphorical light will come on, and we will understand a single spiritual point with great clarity. Most of the time, however, we have to plod along, step by step, sweating for everything we learn. What we can learn through patience and perseverance usually lasts the longest. Here’s a cat spell that will help:
Continue reading “A Cat Spell For Spiritual Growth”

Learn How To Direct Life Force Into Your Body – Practice 5-9

Practice #5: While you inhale, imagine life energy enter your body through your left hand. While exhaling, imagine it condensing and building up in an area of your body such as your abdomen. Keep doing so for a while until you feel life energy in that part of the body.

Continue reading “Learn How To Direct Life Force Into Your Body – Practice 5-9”

Learn How To Project Life Force To Persons

Practice #10: Point your fingers of the right hand toward the area between the eyes of your partner. Draw life energy while inhaling and project it into this area between the eyes. Project on other parts of the body. Let your partner do the same on you.

Practice #11: Stretch your arm out and point your fingers as in preceding practice. Do NOT point toward your partner. Point anywhere else. Again you do the drawing and projecting in the rhythm of your breath. This time however you imagine the flow of life energy entering the forehead or any other body part of your partner. Then your partner does the same on you.

Continue reading “Learn How To Project Life Force To Persons”

Learn How To See Life Force  Practice #1 – 3

Although this is not absolutely necessary for your beginning of magical practice, it is good if you learn to see life energy.

Practice #1: Hold both hands in front of you, about one foot from your eyes. Do so with a neutral background such as a wall. Have the fingers of both hands touch each other. Now very slowly pull the hands apart and see the “strings” that are still connecting the fingers that separate from each other. For some people it may take a bit of training, but it’s not difficult.

Continue reading “Learn How To See Life Force  Practice #1 – 3”

Learn How To Feel Life Energy

Practice #4: Take the wand and point it to sensitive parts of your body.

  1. Feel one end of the wand with the palm of any one of your hands. To feel the life energy, hold the palm about one inch from the end of the wand.
    2. Point the wand to the wrist of the hand, again one inch away.
    3. Hold your fingers in front of the wand, one by one.
    4. Point the wand toward the area of the forehead that is in the center between the eyes, one inch away.
    5. Do the same thing with any other area of your body.

Continue reading “Learn How To Feel Life Energy”

Learn How To Direct Life Force

You had your first experience with directing life energy when you practiced seeing it with the wand. For some the following practices you will need a partner. To be more effective you need also learn a preliminary practice that employs your capability to imagine. Anything that you image is structure and life energy follows structural principles easier than space-time distances. This characteristic of life force opens up truly fantastic potentials for the person who learns to use it. The whole science of magic is a result of this characteristic of life energy! Our mind creates structures in continuous sequence! This is the reason for the fact that magic is as old as mankind. Earliest man already realized that events sometimes followed visualization.

Continue reading “Learn How To Direct Life Force”