Ostara Sabbat Ritual by Rhiana Moonstar

This Sabbat recognizes the start of spring, and celebrates the Goddess, once again in her maiden aspect.
This Sabbat is a time for fertility rituals, and the cutting of spring’s first blossoms. The altar and the circle should be decorated with a variety of fresh flowers. Set up the altar with your usual tools, including a green potted plant, and the cauldron placed somewhere in the circle. The cauldron may be filled with fresh water and floating flowers. Light the altar candles and the incense, and cast the sacred circle. Invoke the God and the Goddess. Kneel before the altar, facing East, and gaze at the plant. Recognize it not only as a plant, but as a symbol of the awakening earth. Say:

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Styrax tonkinensis

Benzoin, a member of the Styraceae family, is collected as a resin exuded from the trunk after the bark is cut, and is in solid brown to white brittle pieces. More processing is required to bring the benzoin to liquid form. Benzoin comes from trees native to Thailand and Sumatra, and is an ingredient of incense. Commonly known as ‘friar’s balsam’. Care should be taken to obtain a good quality oil.

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A high-vibration oil, used for personal protection. It is also a sexual stimulant in the female. Added to any incense, it increases its powers. Mixed with powdered sandalwood, it makes an incense suitable for all religious or spiritual magic. Good for meditation, illumination, and so on.

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How to make friends with your guardian dragon

Spell time: May’s fullmoon

Burn a candle any color but black, you don’t want to call a chaos dragon. Burn a spicy or sweet incense, set out a few crystals to draw their attention dragons love gems! Then chant:

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Banishing And Sealing Ritual For The Home

By: David Piper

To be performed during at the New Moon, but may be performed at any time in need.
You will need a new white Candle (any size with holder), small bowls for Water and Salt, and a large bowl of water as well, and the censer and an appropriate incense. (Choose one that brings to your mind qualities you wish to have in your home.)

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Dragon Elements


Air governs the eastern quarter of the circle and of the universe. Its Dragon ruler is Sairys (sayr’-iss). Its colour is pure yellow and is thought to be warm and moist. Positive aspects are: sunrise, spring, incense, wand, bell, clouds, breezes, breath, optimism, joy, intelligence, mental quickness, renewing. Negative associations are: frivolity, gossip fickleness, inattention, bragging, forgetfulnes, windstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and the like.

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