#1 Ghost Hunting Software

Store Your Team Members Profiles and Track Their Performance

ghost hunting equipmentInvestigator’s Profile and  Statistics
 Easily add edit or delete any information about any investigative team member. Here you collect and store all pertinent information on all your team members: Name, Address, Email, Phone, Cell, Number of Investigations, Status and Certification Level.
ghost hunting equipmentEquipment Inventory/List
 In doing an investigation you use a large variety of tools and equipment. This is where all that information will be store so as you make your report you may choose one two or all pieces of your equipment arsenal to be added and  included in your final report. This list is also easy to add, edited and delete as your arsenal grows…
ghost hunting equipmentEmail Members
 This is a feature that your going to love as it allows all members who have been added to the “Investigators Profile” list to be included in a bulk email…This is a wonderful way to keep members updated in one easy step.
ghost hunting equipmentTypes of Activity
 As Paranormal investigators we all know there are many different types of activity we may come in contact with. i.e. Shadows, apparitions, orb, etc…Here you will again be able to add and compile a list of all types of activity and with a click of your mouse add all activity that was  experience during a given investigation directly to your report.
paranormal softwareImport EVPs Recordings
 Here another convenient feature…While you can’t print out .wav or.mp3 files  you can save them to your investigations report and easily pull them up as needed. Use your favorite media player to listen to them playback.If your final report is on CD or DVD, recordings then would be available to all whom maybe interested in listening to the EVPs your team captures during it’s investigation.
paranormal softwareImport Photos
 This great little feature lets you add as many jpeg photos as you wish to your report and neatly places them 4 to a page when printing them out as part of your final report.
paranormal softwareImport “Your Own” Custom Logo
 You can add your very OWN custom logo to just the cover page of the report or to all the pages by simply importing your design directly to The PLAN with a click of the mouse…It’s really that easy !
Cover  Letter Design
 In addition to adding your own custom logo, The PLAN provides an area which you may add any additional contact, slogans or any other types of information directly beneath your logo.You then may move everything to be located to the top left, right or center of the page.
paranormal softwareCustomizable Look and Feel Settings
 Here you going to find page “text and background” color options this is where each individual user may customize the look and feel of The PLAN to suit their tastes.In addition here is where your also going to be able to choose the “Case Management” pages your wish to include in your final report.
paranormal softwarePassword Protect
 If a user wants to protect a report for any reason they may do so by adding a password to protect any type of editing without first entering that users password, however protected reports may still be viewed by all, just not editable.
Video Supported Help Page
 You can get help at anytime while using The PLAN. Go to the top menu and select “Help” and if your connected to the internet you will immediately be taken to the “Help Page”There you will find video tutorials to help guide you though every step of the program.You may pause, fast forward or rewind so you can learn at your own pace.If for any reason your unable to find an answer to your problem you’ll find a direct email address , and I will respond A.S.A.P.

Click here for more info.


Here we come apiping,
In Springtime and in May;
Green fruit aripening,
And Winter fled away.
The Queen she sits upon the strand,
Fair as lily, white as wand;
Seven billows on the sea,
Horses riding fast and free,
And bells beyond the sand.

Continue reading “MAY DAY CHANT”

A Few Simple Stretches by Cheryl Lynne Bradley

Here are a few simple Yoga stretches for those days when life gets you in the neck, in the back, in the shoulder or for the dreaded internetitis rigor mortis. Always work within your comfort level, it is meant to relax and stretch the muscles not to force them. Tip for blondes: chairs used should not have wheels.

Continue reading “A Few Simple Stretches by Cheryl Lynne Bradley”

Prayer for a New Home

Land folk, I am here, newly arrived to this place.
I have come from my previous home,
where I lived under the protecting gaze
of the Land Spirits there.
In this new place, then, I wish to establish peace again
between my people and the people of the land,
as it has been done since the unremembered time.
I bring gifts to you, I bring offerings,
as a suppliant should when entering a chieftain’s hall.
Accept them from me and, with them, my friendship.
Establish between us peace.

Continue reading “Prayer for a New Home”

Prayer for a New Parent

Holy Ones, see what has happened here!
I have become a father/mother;
a great mystery indeed.
I do not know in my head what to do,
I know in my heart what is right.
May I know the right thing with all of me
and do it no matter what the pain.
A hard road lies before me, shining ones,
a road filled with great difficulties,
a road filled with great joys.
Guide me along it.
Be at my side.

Continue reading “Prayer for a New Parent”


by Brent P. Newhall

About one thousand to twelve hundred years ago, an unknown author put pen to paper and transcribed an epic that had already been circulating for about two centuries. The work which he wrote was a sweeping Anglo-Saxon tale entitled “Beowulf.” It is the oldest piece of English literature extant today, though it nearly did not make it here; it was almost destroyed by King Henry VII along with the monastery in which it was housed. A library fire threatened to take in 1731 before it was finally put in the British museum in 1753, where it remains today.

Continue reading “Beowulf”


#4 8 20 Nov 86 12:05:56 (RECV’D)
From: L.a. Hussey To: Brad Hicks
Subj: Samhain

Woops! I was wrong, I do have a Samhain ritual. It’s only a small one (for 4 close friends), so I didn’t remember it, but it’s quite nice nonetheless. I’m going to upload it here, and you can get it how you like.

Continue reading “Samhain”

Happy Home Magical Stones

Here are a few stones to add to your home or scatter about the house to enhance your personal sacred space. Snowflake obsidian is an “un-hexing stone” that removes hex spells; place in windows or doors to prevent hex spells from entering your home. Zebra marble protects households and should be placed in the corners of the home. Goldstone (glass with flecks of copper) promotes calm; place in children’s rooms to promote good, sound sleep. Sodalite also promotes peaceful sleep. Coral will protect against nightmares. Keep a piece of clear quartz and onyx next to your computer to draw away any harmful emissions and to help you to use your special tool wisely.

Continue reading “Happy Home Magical Stones”


by Anja Heij

Most homoeopatic books describe the metal Platinum as mainly a remedy for women. I myself know several male Platinums, and I would like to start this homoeopatic picture with one of them:
Mr. K. Birkenstock, manufacturer of healthy hippie-sandals, dismissed in 1975 150 of his 1700 employees, because they dared to ask for better working-conditions. These 150 employees were all active members of a trade union, requesting equal payment for men and women. Mr. Birkenstock wrote them this: ” You will all quite rightly be treated as lepers and despised. And that is the least thing that should be done right here. With your incorrect, disgusting behaviour you have placed yourself outside the community.” Once when the press asked who had bought his sandals, the manufacturer effortless named a number of prominent persons: “Boris Becker, Steffi Graf, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Norman Schwarzkopf, Clint Eastwood…”

Continue reading “Platinum”