Common Household Culinary Herbs

Aloe (Aloe vera) : Called the “Burn Plant” because of its effect on burns, aloe is also effective in preventing accidents involving fire or heat. An Aloe growing in your kitchen affords not only it’s healing properties, but also protection against kitchen burns and fires.

Anise (Pimpinella anisum) : A daily cup of anise tea will preserve youth. Anise burned on charcoal before bed will promote prophetic dreams.

Balm (Melissa officinalis) : Bathe in a bath of Balm to attract love. Add to incense and sachets for love and to promote healing.

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Cowslip (Primula veris):

Venus. Cattle were once adorned with cowslips to encourage healthy milk production. Cowslip flowers were believed to bring luck in love to the wearer. In Suffolk, milkmaids would wash their faces in milk in which cowslip petals had been infused on Beltane, believing that it would make their faces glow and attract their beloved during the Beltane celebrations. Were traditionally woven into funeral wreaths to be laid on the deceased one’s grave at the full moon, for thirteen moons after his or her death. Posies of cowslips, placed under the pillow, were said to allow contact with the dead in dreams.

Emerald by Rhiana Moonstar

Receptive. Element: Earth. Beryl. Strengthens heart chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honesty. Lifts depression, insomnia. Knowingness of the heart, peaceful dreams.

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A History Of Dreaming – From Ancient Egypt To Modern Day by Dawn Firewolf

Dreams have been an important part of the human experince since time immemorial. Fragments of the earliest books come from Egypt, where dreams were considered to be the messages sent from the gods. The Egyptians divided their dreams into three categories:

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My crystal is round/hexagonal shape crystal. The colour is brownish/black with a little red in it.

Strong help to balance your energy system, stimulate your desires and uplift your attitude. Draws happiness, power, possessions, and peace. Aids in patience, persistence, sexuality, and purification. Sharpens self-perception. Increases creative energy and sexual appetite. Enhances bodily strength, endurance, and vigor. Protection against thieves. Helps to align the emotional body to the spiritual body. Sleeping with it will help you remember your dreams.

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A variety of beryl. Strengthens heart, liver, kidneys, immune system,  nervous  system.  Tonic  for  body/mind/spirit.  Aids alignment  of  subtle  bodies.  Enhances  dreams,  meditation, deeper spiritual insight. Represents the potential of divinity within us. Prosperity, love, kindness,  tranquility,  balance, healing, patience. Strong emotional balancer. (4,3)



— One of my favorite stones!!! Amethyst helps to calm fears, reduces stress, dispels doubts and negativity, and can relieve depression and promote good judgement. Amethyst induces vivid dreams, increases mental powers, and is useful in psychism. I keep an amethyst with my Tarot cards, and have found that this greatly enhances their power. Also useful for drawing pure, true, emotional love!

Dream Pillow

In the same way that certain fragrances, like baking bread or fresh roses, evoke a pleasant memory for you, herbs also evoke pleasant associations of memory. Our noses are said to be the most direct route to our minds and recollections. The subtle fragrances in the Dream Pillow blends are mixed to give you pleasant, interesting dreams, a good night’s sleep and to promote other aromatherapy uses.

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Alumina (Aluminum)

by Anja Heij

Aluminum is a very light and easy transformable metal, associated with the planet Neptune and the sign Pisces. In astrology Neptune has to do with fading away, dissolving, excarnation, anonymity. This excarnation can work out in a positive way (mysticism, visions, psychic abilities, spirituality, dreams, ecstasy, inspiration) but it can also bring about confusion, intoxication, poisoning, decadence, delusion, addiction, degeneration, deformation and decay: the material world looses its solidity and stability. Pisces ‘rules’ the feet.

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