Here we come apiping,
In Springtime and in May;
Green fruit aripening,
And Winter fled away.
The Queen she sits upon the strand,
Fair as lily, white as wand;
Seven billows on the sea,
Horses riding fast and free,
And bells beyond the sand.

Continue reading “MAY DAY CHANT”

How to make friends with your guardian dragon

Spell time: May’s fullmoon

Burn a candle any color but black, you don’t want to call a chaos dragon. Burn a spicy or sweet incense, set out a few crystals to draw their attention dragons love gems! Then chant:

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by Daniel A. Kelin, II

A big snake living in the waters between Mili atoll in the Marshall Islands and Kiribati. The snake is as big as an island house, long and black. The end of the snake faces Mili and the tail faces Kiribati. It is said if you get lost when sailing, you enter the snake. You get confused, without being able to see stars or feel the waves. Spending one or two days inside, you get scared, try to run away and turn yourself around from south to north. Then you will spend another day or two inside. Finally you die from hunger and thirst. It is said that if you do end up inside, look for the Kaböj bird named Lokto. When the bird sees your canoe, it will fly away. Follow it because it will show you where you entered the snake. If an experienced island navigator enters it, they chant:

Continue reading “Amam”

A Walking Meditation by Choalayna

A different, but quick meditation! This technique involves a “think on your feet” type of meditation. Also employs a “rhythmic” touch which you can modify yourself to fit the situation. We are gonna try the walking meditation. It employs the use of using a “beat” or “tempo” of your feet but can be modified to use with drums or even a constant mono-sound or chant.

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Witches Herbal Chant

“Herb and root seed and flower, bring to me your ancient power.
Growing deep from moon to moon, mother hear my ancient tune.
A pinch of this, a pinch of that, make magic in my witch’s vat.”

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Chant for Inner Strength

I call the light of golden rays
I seek protection thus,
I pray for heavenly forces at my side
angels, sages, spirit guides or wolves
who walk with cunning skill
Come to my aid!
Come at my will!
Black bird soaring light my path
so I am victim to no one’s wrath!
And when my journey knows success,
all those who aid me Goddess bless!

Continue reading “Chant for Inner Strength”