Dorothy Morrison’s Tool Cleansing

Need: White candle, bowl of water, bowl of soil, frankincense or sandalwood incense.

Light the candle and the incense. Pall the tool through the smoke, saying:

I cleanse you with the breath of Air.
Winds blown cold and winds blown fair.

Pass the tool through the candle flame. Say:

I cleanse you with the warmth of Fire,
Dancing flame and purifier.

Sprinkle with water. Say:

With Water I cleanse and give you life.
Babbling brook and surging knife.

Sprinkle with soil. Say:

I cleanse you with the depth of Earth.
Home of death and place of birth.

Take tool with both hands and lift it to the sky. Say:

Be free of negativity!
As I will so mote it be!


During the new/waxing/full moon (full moon being the strongest) annoint a green candle with patchouli, think of money being drawn to you. Place candle in holder and place on altar. Now put a new penny in front of the candle. Now put 4 malachite stones around the candle and penny. Chant 3 times:
Continue reading “Money”

How to make your own GEL CANDLE

STEP #1 You will only need a few simple tools, of which all can usually be found in your kitchen. A metal spoon, a scale, a measuring cup, and a crock pot with a thermostat or a stovetop pan and a thermometer.

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Rowan Moonstone

When I cleanse a dwelling place, first I burn a good cleansing incense, like frankincense or sandalwood in the home while I prepare for the rest of the ritual. You should have in addition to the incense, a candle, a bowl of salt water and a bowl of herbs. I particularly like to use rose buds for love, lavender for preservation, rosemary for protection, and any other sweet smelling ones that appeal to you personally. If you can get them home grown, so much the better. You should proceed around the house, widdershins (counter clock wise) and cleanse the area with the salt water. Be sure to get each corner, window, door, drain, etc. Simply sprinkle a little salt water on each and ask that any evil or disruptive influences leave the place. When this is finished, proceed around the house deosil (clockwise) sprinkling the blessing herbs and invoke whatever deities or properties you wish on the home, such as peace prosperity, tranquillity, etc. In the past, I have used 3 candles on the central altar. Blue, symbolizing tranquillity, green for healing and prosperity, and purple for protection. Others might be pink for love, or brown for hearth and home. You and anyone who is to share the home with you should share food and drink, and don’t forget to leave a little of the food and drink to take outside and return to the Earth that which has been given.

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Candle Healing Spell

by Brighid, copyright 2002

PURPOSE: Healing
MOON PHASE: Dark of the Moon
TIME OF DAY: 5th hour after sunrise
DAY: Monday
GOD/GODDESS: Bran — Sirrona
INCENSE: Rosemary
OILS: Cinnamon
DURATION: 4 days

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Summer God Candle

Cut up nine sunflower petals (dried or fresh) into the tiniest pieces on wax paper
“Dress” a yellow or gold pillar candle in Sun oil or oil that corresponds to the sun
Roll candle into the pieces of Sunflower petals on waxed paper
Burn on a Sunday to attune to the Summer God vibration

Continue reading “Summer God Candle”