Not to be confused the Ruby in Celtic Mythology or with the Sapphire.


In Egypt, this is the stone for Royalty only.  It gave wisdom and psychic experiences and guided the soul into the afterlife.  It is thought to represent truth.  It strengthens the mind and body through spiritual awareness.  It is the stone of truth and also the stone of mystery.

Continue reading “LAPIS – LAZULI”


*Second hardest of all minerals; raw form of ruby and sapphire.
*Promotes insight to the unknown, enhances one’s intuitive awareness.
*Stimulates ambition and confidence, subdues emotions and helps one to release anger in a positive manner.

Continue reading “*Corundum*”


*Stimulates the connection between the heart and crown chakras, allowing the individual to open to higher conscious awareness.
*Facilitates medium-ship, channeling and psychic abilities and the ability to balance those energies without strain on the physical or mental bodies.
*Color range: Pink-lavender to dark purple.

Continue reading “*Charoite*”


Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress. Relaxing, peace of  mind.   Accelerates   growth.   Aids   personal   creative expression.  Helps  one adjust to higher, more rarefied states of awareness.  Truth, reliability. Clear speech. (5)



*Medium blue to white crystals.
*Fairly newly discovered.
*Psychic connection to oneness with universe, angelic realm, spiritual guidance.
*Astral travel, heightened sensory awareness.
*Seeing paths to surmount challenges.
*Aligns physical & etheric fields for healing self & others.
*Regenerates & rejuvenates ill or depleted areas.
*Creativity, psychic healing.
*Chakras: Brow & Crown.

Continue reading “*Angelite*”

*Andalusite aka Chiastolite, Cross-Stone*

*Stout crystals exhibit the axis and angles in a different color from the rest, creating a colored cross.
*Promotes facets of one’s character; emotional, physical and intellectual being.
*For looking at issues rationally to see all sides of problems.
*Helps spiritual awareness; stimulates memory and recollection.

Continue reading “*Andalusite aka Chiastolite, Cross-Stone*”


Increases  spiritual  awareness,  has  a  calming  and soothing influence, has the ability to transmute negative into positive, and is very effective as a healing stone.  Warmed and placed on  the  forehead and  temples, it  is good  for  headaches.   Has the ability to draw through it forces directed towards the body and repels vibrations which the body doesn’t need, thus releasing only the energy patterns beneficial  to the body.  Best worn in healing near the heart center.    Opens  up  spiritual  and psychic  centers.  Helps  prevent drunkeness.



Danburite by Rhiana Moonstar

Clear crystal. Powerfully radiates bright, pure, white light, filling our body, mind, and spirit (and relationships) with loving light. Excellent to cleanse, purify, or debrief. Fills 3rd eye and crown chakra with joy and illumination. Brings truth, honesty, a smile to the heart and open receptivity to mind and spirit. Strengthens mind, nervous system, life force, awareness. Program for particular uses. Excellent healing tool.

Sahasrara – The Crown

by Anodea Judith

Element: Thought
Color: Violet
Verb: I know
Attributes: Information, understanding, awareness, consciousness, pattern, meditation

Continue reading “Sahasrara – The Crown”