*Andalusite aka Chiastolite, Cross-Stone*

*Stout crystals exhibit the axis and angles in a different color from the rest, creating a colored cross.
*Promotes facets of one’s character; emotional, physical and intellectual being.
*For looking at issues rationally to see all sides of problems.
*Helps spiritual awareness; stimulates memory and recollection.

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by Brian Edward Rise

A son of Lot and Morgause and younger brother to Gawain. He is not always distinguished from his brother Gareth in the romances, the possible result of the splitting of a single character. Gareth marries Lyones and Gaheris marries her sister Lynet in Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur. Gaheris also slays his mother when he discovers her with Lamorak, the son of Sir Pellinore. Gaheris and Gareth are killed in the fighting that follows Lancelot’s rescue of Guinevere from the stake.

40 Meditation Exercises as listed in the Path of Purification

By Bhikkhu Khantipalo


If one has no meditation teacher from whom one may request a meditation subject, then one has to rely upon one’s knowledge of one’s character in order to prescribe for oneself a suitable meditation. There are forty meditation exercises (kammatthana) noted by the great teacher Buddhaghosa as being suited to certain types of character. For the purposes of meditation, he considers six characters: faithful, intelligent, and speculative (in which the skillful roots of non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion are variously dominant); and greedy, hating, and deluded (in which greed, hatred and delusion, the unskillful roots, are dominant). The trouble here is twofold: firstly, very few “pure” types can be found, most people being mixtures of two or more of them — and moreover ever-changing mixtures; and secondly, it is rather difficult to judge which class one’s character belongs to since one’s own delusion and pride are apt to blur one’s judgments.

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Enochian Temples: Invoking the cacodemons with the Temple

by Benjamin Rowe, Copyright 1992

The enochian system is primarily angelic in character. There are no entities in the system who actually meet the traditional definitions of elementals or demons. All the elemental forces are invoked and used through the intervention of conscious, intelligent entities who are themselves of a multiplex nature. These entities can provide elementals for the magician, but the elementals can not be directly invoked.

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by Anja Heij

This is almost exclusively a remedy for women. It especially fits women with a soft, friendly and yielding character, who are easily in tears.
The remedy is made of the Anemone Pulsatilla, a dark purple flower of the Ranunculacea, which trims her sails according to the winds. Analogous to the constant moving flowers are the changeable moods and symptoms and the hormonal changes of the people that need the homoeopatic Pulsatilla.

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