Egyptian Temples, part III: God’s Home by Mirjam

The cult temple in ancient Egypt was more than a place of worship. It was the home of the god, it was believed the deity took up residence in the building and used it more or less for all those various purposes as humans did. It was the place he was given food and shelter, where he was cleaned and clothed. The temple was built to take care of these needs. It provided a rest area, a reception area and storerooms for possessions. There was also a processional access, leading from the outer pylons all the way through the open courts and the hypostyle halls into the sanctum where the statue resided.

Continue reading “Egyptian Temples, part III: God’s Home by Mirjam”

Renewal, Worship, Cocoa and Home by Charma

from the valley floor
i watch as the first
green-gold rays
a hint of glory to come
burst victoriously from
behind blue mountains
capped with blinding white
in the distance
dim and barely heard
the crow of a rooster
lowing of cattle
snowbirds begin
their daily hunt
searching for seeds
berries to break nights fast
overhead eagle wheels
silent in brightening sky
the clouds now rosey
with morning
eyes focused on the river
hoping to spot the first
seabound salmon
coyote barks her last
song of night
gathers her brood
and sleeps
horse whickers and blows
stamps hooves
on crystalline snow
breath clouds of steam
which freeze, sparkle falling
quail thunder
from beneath sage
escaping, threatened
by my proximity
elk grazing nearby
in oatfields unconcerned
know, today,
i do not hunt
daybreak breeze
whispers through naked
branches of spring trees
sends them trembling
as with cold
scatters powder snow
from evergreens
reminds me
i walk alone
but not Alone…
i sing a song
of renewal, worship
and dream
of a cup
of cocoa
and home


An Esbat is any other circle that is not a Sabbat.

A regular meeting held in a coven of Witches which may include religious worship, business discussion, and/or magic and healing work. The term esbat came into popular usage during the 20th century, and does not celebrate a major festival like the sabbats do.

Continue reading “Esbat”

A Prayer to the High Gods at Bedtime

As I go to bed, I pray to the High Gods.
I offer you my worship, and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if I have done anything today to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to the gods of my household.
I offer you my worship and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if I have done anything today to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to the Ancestors.
I do you honor and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if you I have done anything to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to all numinous beings.
I do you honor and ask that you extend your blessings over me and mine.

Continue reading “A Prayer to the High Gods at Bedtime”

A Prayer to the High Gods at Bedtime

As I go to bed, I pray to the High Gods.
I offer you my worship, and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if I have done anything today to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to the gods of my household.
I offer you my worship and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if I have done anything today to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to the Ancestors.
I do you honor and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if you I have done anything to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to all numinous beings.
I do you honor and ask that you extend your blessings over me and mine.

Continue reading “A Prayer to the High Gods at Bedtime”