Magick and Science by Rev. Dr. Scott Baldwin

Many people wonder how magick works. To the non-believer, they say that there is no proof that spells work.
And those abilities such as telekinesis are illusionary or product of imagination. They ask us to use scientificĀ  means to explain how exactly these spells are supposed to work. The scope of this essay is to explain justĀ  that.

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*Purple, solid.
*Newly coming into greater use.
*Works to transmute/lift us out of emotions and fear.
*Seeing old patterns with new possibilities.
*Opens heart, inspiration, service, seeing clearly, faster healing.
*Some find useful also for entity release work & alcohol/liver detox.
*Chakras: Brow & Crown.

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Creatine is a combination of amino acids that are stored in the skeletal muscles. These muscles can use one of its derivatives-creatine phosphate-to sustain a muscle contraction when the usual fuel-a substance called ATP (adenosine triphosphate)-has been exhausted. In simplified terms, here’s an example of how it works: when you lift a heavy weight, the muscles of your arms contract, or shorten, to provide the needed strength and resistance. The energy for this contraction is derived by converting ATP to ADP (adenosine diphospate). When the muscles’ reserves of ATP are exhausted, creatine comes to the rescue by giving over its phosphate molecule to make more ADP. High reserves of creatine phosphate allow the muscles to work longer and harder.

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This is an annotated list of Buddhist books that I hope will be useful and entertaining

We will first look at some basic books that will help one get a feel of the issues as presented by the three basic traditions of Buddhism in the West–Theravada, Mahayana, and Zen. Secondly, we shall look at a wide variety of popular and scholarly works. They will be presented in no particular order. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
Bad books will be scrupulously avoided.

Continue reading “A BUDDHOBIBLIOGRAPHY — Bruce Burrill”

Creative Visualization or How to get What You Want as Opposed to What You Need!

by Atham Z


I have proven to myself that one can visualize what one wants into reality. Sometimes this process takes time, much time, as in years, but it generally works.

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by Alan G. Hefner

Nearly all languages had a cognate of this word, the basic meaning of which was maternal power, moon-spirit, magic, supernatural force, and a title of the Goddess. Mana came back into English from anthropological studies in the South Pacific, where the word was described as follows:
Mana is the stuff through which magic works…proceeding immediately from the nature of the sacred person or thing, or mediately because a ghost or spirit has put it into the person or thing…The cult of the relics of the saints springs from the belief that their bodies, whether living or dead, possessed Mana.

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