Devil’s Shoestring

Latin Name Viburmum alnifolium
Parts Used Roots
Magickal Uses In Hoodoo practices, these roots [usually in numbers of nine] are used in protection spells to “trip up the devil” [or evil spirits] and keep him at bay. Carried, they are effective gambling tools and for general good luck. You may stamp them into the ground near ones front door for protection against hexing and evil influences. Carry a root to job interviews, so as to bring success in that endeavor. The root may be bound and hung on walls, and amulets of protection and wealth strung from it, in order to invite these things into your life.

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Chondroitin Sulfate (CS)

Chondroitin sulfate is a building block of cartilage, the tough gristle that covers the ends of bones and cushions joints; it is also found in the tissue lining blood vessels and the bladder. Chondroitin plays an important role in maintaining cartilage by allowing water, nutrients, and other molecules to enter the tissue; a critical role because cartilage lacks blood vessels. In the blood vessels, it helps prevent abnormal clotting and also prevents blood and other fluids from passing through the vessel walls.

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