North-September 21

South-March 21


The Fall Equinox, or Mabon, is celebrated as the final harvest of the season. This holiday was pivotal in ancient times, since a good final harvest was crucial to surviving the winter months ahead. This is the time of year where we truly reap what we have sown and we prepare for the long winter that lays before us. The day and night are again equal in time and the God has traveled at last to His place of rest. Now, He has sacrificed the last of Himself to provide us with a final harvest of food before the winter begins. Celebrants gather to mark the turning of the wheel and to give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice of The God, recognizing that He will be reborn at Yule. This holiday has been called “The Witches’ Thanksgiving” and is a time for feasting together with family and friends. This is also the time to welcome the season of the Crone. Kore’ goes to the Underworld to learn the secrets of the Crone (or in some stories she is kidnapped by Hades), and the earth is bare as Her mother, Demeter, mourns Her loss. But although the winter is before us, we know that the wheel will turn again, life will be reborn, and our blessings are bountiful.

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Mabon / The Autumnal Equinox

by Blathnaid (a/k/a Erin Scott)

Mabon is a Sabbat of celebration for the abundance of the harvest; a time meant for us to give thanks through song, dance and feasts. This is a time of balance, when day and night are equal once again; a time of meditation and introspection; a time to slow down the pace of our lives and to relax and recognize our own personal harvests during the year that is fast declining; a time to appreciate the connection we have with those around us, as well as those who have gone before us. It references the sense of community that this harvest festival fosters, for it’s through our kinship with those close to us that we endure through the long, dark, cold nights of Winter. The Autumnal Equinox is a time when we prepare our personal harvests, gathering those experiences transpired over the past year(s), bringing them within, making them a part of who we are – allowing them to die, regenerate into wisdom, and be reborn within.

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A Warning

There Once was a time when Wild Magick was free,
Where everything existed and ceased to be,
Where Gods and Goddesses ruled the Earth,
And with their knowledge gave Birth,
Now dark times call once again,
A hero is needed to stop the Pain,
The world is dying because of us,
Now we must learn to wish and trust,
We must re-awaken magick forgot,
And loosen the world from its shackled knot,
Remember the Old ways and follow the lines,
Bring forth the past of olden times,
With their knowledge the Earth shall have life,
Without it nothing but pain and strife,
Don’t ignore the warnings of fate,
Act now I charge you before it’s too late.
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Lachesis (Venom from the Surucucu snake)

by Anja Heij

This remedy is made of the poison of the Surucucu,the Bushmaster, a very aggressive and poisonous snake, with the Latin name Trigonocephalus Lachesis.
In many cultures the snake symbolizes the instinctive forces in us, our “beastly” and emotional part. The snake in circle-form with the tail in his mouth also symbolizes the circle of life and death, creative force, rebirth, immortality and totality. In fairy-tales a snake or dragon is often the guard of a cave (symbol of the unknown, the unconsciousness), the snake as protector of our secret life. The image of the snake gives us a better understanding of the complex character of the Lachesis personality.

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From Self-Doubt to Self-Assurance: The Inner Journey of The fool

by Anja Heij

Lack of self-confidence is an unseen enemy for many people. This foe keeps us from doing what we would love to do, from taking decisions that are good for us, and from expressing our uniqueness. Many men and women are flowers that never open up. I know what I am talking about. Some years ago I felt like a dried flower myself, feeling unworthy and guilty and believing statements like: “You dare not do this, you will never succeed in that, you won’t come any further than making just a small start.” And then the story went on with:

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Soul Mates – Our Magic Mirror

by Anita Asman

The subject of soul mates is an intriguing one for most of us. We are curious to know how we can meet our soul mate, if maybe we have already met our soul mate without even realizing it, or why the relationship with a soul mate, especially if it is of a romantic nature, can be difficult many times. Mostly, When we think of soulmates, we refer to the romantic level, believing our soul mate must be the person with who we can make a better and richer life happen. While ultimately this is true, there are almost always some stepping stones on our way, lessons we have to learn, and exactly here our soul mate steps in.

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Prayer to the Cosmic Mother

Oh Goddess Mother,
You are the mystery of Night,
Your radiant shine is the Day,
Infinite realms cascade within You,
Abundance is Your essence of Being,
Blessings flow from You Limitlessly,
Your Universe is harmony and tension in Balance,
Within each of us, You are Alive.

Abby Willowroot  |  Source: Reprinted from © Abby Willowroot 2000