The Speech Of The High One

The Speech Of The High One

I know I hung on that windswept tree,
Swung there for nine long nights,
Wounded by my own blade,
Bloodied for Odinn,
Myself and offering to myself:
Bound to the tree
That no man knows
Wither the roots of it run.

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Boswellia carteri
This essential oil is extracted from the gum resin of the bark of the frankincense tree. Its aroma is warm, rich, and slightly lemony. Most people recognize the scent of the oil from smelling incense and remember the biblical story of the three kings offering frankincense to the baby Jesus. The use of this oil dates back more than 4000 years. Both calming and uplifting, it brings reassurance and aids meditation. Frankincense has a powerful effect in clearing lung and nasal passages and can ease shortness of breath. It is also useful for sore throats and strengthening the immune system. In skin care, the oil has an anti-inflammatory effect making it an ideal choice for mature and dry skin.

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What is Copal?

Scientific and medicinal info
Copal is actually a resin, not an herb. Resins are solidified pieces of plant sap, and they are very fragrant when burned. Copal comes from various species of the Bursera tree, in Mexico and South America. There are 3 varities of copal: white, gold and black. Each has its own subtle differences in scent.
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CHERRY: (Prunus serotina)

A Druid sacred tree, chips of the wood or bark were burned at Celtic festivals especially Sabbats. Also known as Black Cherry, Wild Cherry or Chokecherry (P. virginiana). Chokecherry bark tea is used to clear the throats of singers and public speakers, the powdered berries were once used to  improve the appetite. If you’ve never tried chokecherry jelly, you’ve missed a real treat. CAUTION:The stone is poisonous.

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Erythroxylum catuaba
The tree known as the catuaba is a South American species of tree that grows in rain forests. This tree grows in the rain forests of Brazil and belongs to the same plant family as the famous coca plant – cocaine is an extracted from this plant. However, catuaba does not have the narcotic alkaloids that are present in the coca plant. Traditionally, the catuaba bark has been utilized in herbal medicine by the natives of Brazilian rain forests. A different tree, botanically known as the Erythroxylum catuaba is also found growing in the rain forests of South America. This vigorous and hardy small tree bears yellow and orange colored flowers and when in season, it also bears small oval shaped, dark yellow colored and inedible fruits.

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Blackthorn –

(Prunus spinosa) also called Sloe, is a wintry tree, the fruits ripen and sweeten only after the first frosts, and a cold spring was known traditionally as a “Blackthorn Winter”. Wood from the Blackthorn was traditionally used for the Irish cudgel or shillelagh, thorns were used in Witchcraft to pierce wax images. Ogham represents strong action of fate or outside influences in your life or journey. Also unexpected change, issues to be faced and decisions to be made which are inescapable. Counquers resistance draws on spiritual strength, new direction with opportunities.

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Fagus sylvatica

Beech is a native British tree growing to over 30m with a smooth grey bark. In woodland they often have no low branches though solitary trees will grow to a complete and balanced form with branches offering leaves for all available light. Leaf buds are long and slender on opposite spurs. Flowers form soon after the leaves appear with male and female on the same tree. The females mature a few days before the males to ensure cross pollination from a neighboring tree. They are seen as a reddish crown of bristly ‘mast’ which hardens to protect the nut. The male flowers hang beneath the branch on slender stalks like clustering earrings. They swing in the wind and so release pollen. The copper beech and weeping beech are both ornamental derivatives of F. sylvatica and they are not the true form.

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Bera Pennu

Vegetation goddess. Northern Indian. Worshiped by the Khonds in Bengal. She was the recipient of human sacrifice to ensure good harvest, particularly of the spice turmeric, and as a protection against disease and infirmity. The sacrificial victim or meriah was youthful, often kept for years as a holy person before death and was always either the offspring of a previous sacrificial victim, or purchased from impoverished families for the purpose. He or she was generally strangled, sometimes in the fork of a tree, after days of festivities. In other instances the victim was cut up alive.