Code of Ethics for Teachers of Wicca

Below is a code of ethics for teachers of Wicca.

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© 2002 Brian M. Walsh

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By Brett Burgell   06/06/2008


You are on a forest path surrounded by majestic oak trees and regal yellow woods. The fallen leaves under foot are dappled with sunlight filtering through the canopy overhead. It is a path you traveled many times. In your right hand is an age worn walking stave and on your back is your trusty hiking pack.
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Bob Trubshaw

The earliest history of Oxford reveals that the long peninsular of land at the confluence of the rivers Cherwell and Thames was used as a barrow cemetery in bronze age times – a linear barrow cemetery being situated on what is now the University Parks cricket ground, with other barrows throughout the town. However, unlike nearby Abingdon and Dorchester, Oxford was not developed in the Roman period [2]. No reason has been put forward although it is assumed that the ford was known and used at that time. Perhaps the Thames and the Cherwell formed the boundaries of three Celtic tribes (the Dubunni, the Atrebates and the Catuvellauni) leaving the peninsula as ‘liminal space’ or ‘no man’s land’. Typically, the Celts placed shrines at the boundaries of their territory, on such areas of no man’s land, the ‘placeless places’. Although no evidence has been discovered of a Celtic shrine at Oxford, the idea tantalises me as it would fit the geography and might also account for the lack of Roman settlement. For lack of any better alternative, perhaps this shrine was situated at what is now the holy well of St Frideswide at Binsey (164:485081) – see [3] for a description.

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by Ben White

A Phoenician dying and rising god associated with crops and the seasonal agricultural cycle. Popular during the Hellenistic period, the cult of Adon rose to prominence circa 200 BCE and persisted into Christian times, circa 400 CE. Major cult centers were located at Berytus, Aphaca 1, and Byblos 2.

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Wiccan Fundamentalism

by Ben Gruagach
This article may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, providing that this original copyright notice stays in place at all times.

Religious fundamentalism is characterized by literal belief in specific spiritual claims, often about a particular religion’s history, regardless of any available evidence. A particular dogma is promoted as the One True and Only Way and anything that deviates is considered heretical.

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A Warning

There Once was a time when Wild Magick was free,
Where everything existed and ceased to be,
Where Gods and Goddesses ruled the Earth,
And with their knowledge gave Birth,
Now dark times call once again,
A hero is needed to stop the Pain,
The world is dying because of us,
Now we must learn to wish and trust,
We must re-awaken magick forgot,
And loosen the world from its shackled knot,
Remember the Old ways and follow the lines,
Bring forth the past of olden times,
With their knowledge the Earth shall have life,
Without it nothing but pain and strife,
Don’t ignore the warnings of fate,
Act now I charge you before it’s too late.
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Soul Mates – Our Magic Mirror

by Anita Asman

The subject of soul mates is an intriguing one for most of us. We are curious to know how we can meet our soul mate, if maybe we have already met our soul mate without even realizing it, or why the relationship with a soul mate, especially if it is of a romantic nature, can be difficult many times. Mostly, When we think of soulmates, we refer to the romantic level, believing our soul mate must be the person with who we can make a better and richer life happen. While ultimately this is true, there are almost always some stepping stones on our way, lessons we have to learn, and exactly here our soul mate steps in.

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Baba Yaga: A Demon or A Goddess?

by Freya

Growing up in Kiev, Ukraine, I loved reading and listening to fairy tales. These stories, filled with Slavic flavor, were opening up a new world for me, a world where one is to learn lessons and always to succeed, a world in which no matter how many hardships and terror a good character goes through, he or she always succeeds, a world in which a goodness always defeats an evil. Being my hide-away from the harshness of reality, that world was very much sought by me at all the times. Yet, this world absolutely needed to have a few definite characteristics to serve its purpose: the fairy tales I loved to read and re-read had to have Baba Yaga as one of its evil characters. The more evil this character was, the scarier her description, the more vicious her behavior, the better I liked the fairy tale. So who was this Baba Yaga character and what was it in this evil creature that drew me to read and re-read multiple fairy tales, in which I was seeking a camouflage from reality?

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Our Mother Who Art In Heaven

by Ambrose Hawk
(First some Excerpts from an article by Richard Owen in The Times, London September 10, 1999 )

THE Pope, who this year said that God was not “an old man with a white beard”, went a step further yesterday and referred to “God the Mother”.

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