The only fully developed cult of the cat existed in Egypt and it lasted for over 3,000 years. No one knows when the cat was first sanctified in Egypt.
Bast wasn’t associated with Isis until the New Kingdom, about 1600 bce and later. When associated with Isis it came to be recognized as the incarnation of deity, and it was the daughter of Isis and her husband, the sun-god Osiris (Osiris was also a Moon-god) (Isis was also a Sun/Moon/Earth Goddess by then).

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by Daniel A. Kelin, II

A big snake living in the waters between Mili atoll in the Marshall Islands and Kiribati. The snake is as big as an island house, long and black. The end of the snake faces Mili and the tail faces Kiribati. It is said if you get lost when sailing, you enter the snake. You get confused, without being able to see stars or feel the waves. Spending one or two days inside, you get scared, try to run away and turn yourself around from south to north. Then you will spend another day or two inside. Finally you die from hunger and thirst. It is said that if you do end up inside, look for the Kaböj bird named Lokto. When the bird sees your canoe, it will fly away. Follow it because it will show you where you entered the snake. If an experienced island navigator enters it, they chant:

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Crystal & Stones Magick

So, how do Stones and Crystals work then?

Crystal are a naturally occurring form of each element, whereby the basic structure of the atoms contained within the Crystal are absolutely perfectly aligned, creating a perfect lattice, the most compact form that the elements of the Crystal can form. Although the atomic structure of Crystals wasn’t discerned until this century, people have long been drawn to the forms of Crystal that can be found, either for their beauty or how they feel to the touch. Tis only natural then that with having these Crystals around them that those sensitive to their power would begin to work out what they could be used for.

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A Quick Guide to Working With Crystals

Finding the Right Crystal:

Ask anyone experienced in crystal use & they will tell you that the best way to select a crystal is to find that one that “feels” right. What does that mean? Simple, if you pick it up & it feels like it belongs there or it really catches your eye, that’s the one for you. When working towards a goal or purpose, research the crystal(s) that best suit the goal & then go shopping. However, be open to what the universe is telling you. If you go to the store to buy amber but quartz calls to you, there’s a reason. Often, when we set out to accomplish something, there are underlying reasons, motivations, & energies that we need to deal with but don’t realize it. The universe will guide you to what you need, even if it doesn’t agree with the book. Trust the universe first.

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Prayer for a New Home

Land folk, I am here, newly arrived to this place.
I have come from my previous home,
where I lived under the protecting gaze
of the Land Spirits there.
In this new place, then, I wish to establish peace again
between my people and the people of the land,
as it has been done since the unremembered time.
I bring gifts to you, I bring offerings,
as a suppliant should when entering a chieftain’s hall.
Accept them from me and, with them, my friendship.
Establish between us peace.

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

One of the great military queens, Marpesia began a victorious campaign at the Black Sea and soon conquered Thrace and Syria. Then, with Queen Hippo she marched through Ephesus and Cyrene, finally reaching the Aegean Sea. After settling down to rule her empire, she was called back to the battlefield to defend it from the uprising of her subjects and lost her life in the process.


by Aldis Putelis

The Latvian god of fields and corn. Mentioned by a little known Jesuit under the name of Joannis Stribingius in his mission journey to Eastern Latvia in 1606. Describing the territory as having returned to paganism due to the lack of attention from the Christian church during the Livonian War, he lists the deities worshipped by these pagans under the leadership of “Pop” (curiously enough – a name used in Russian to designate an orthodox priest). The list comprises a god of sky/heavens (Latin “qui habet curam coeli”), then those of the earth, fertility and different particular animals.

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Straight Talking

Alby Stone

Way back in 1980, Jim Kimmis drew the attention of earth mysteries researchers to Eric Partridge’s work on the Indo-European root word *reg- (The Ley Hunter No.89). Since then, Nigel Pennick and Paul Devereux have added to these ideas in Lines on the landscape (Robert Hale, 1989, p246ff) and Paul provided an even more detailed resumé in Shamanism and the mystery lines (Quantum, 1992, p108ff).

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