Enochian Tarot by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

Most people use the Tarot for divination . This was apparently the main use applied by the Gypsies . Another common use was for entertainment. In this form, the Tarot was used as a game, possibly a game of chance like modern poker and other card games. However, a deeper and more profound use was discovered by a few others. These were seekers after truth. They were people who struggled to learn about themselves and the world around them. For them, the Tarot was not a game but a mirror into which they could see themselves.
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A Cult-Hunter Looks At Christianity

1- When you enter some Catholic churches, you are confronted by a graphic  representation of Jesus, nailed to a cross, bleeding, suffering, and  then you are told that He went to this death of His own free will!  You read about Saints that whipped themselves; that wore hair shirts to abuse their bodies. You even see, in this modern age, the Penitentes of Mexico and New Mexico who continue this practice, even going so far  as  to crucify themselves,  men and women!  People who walk to a  “holy”  shrine on  their knees,  doing possible permanent  damage to themselves,  are lauded  for having performed a  “holy” act!   Children  are beaten, starved, tortured and otherwise seriously harmed by members of this  cult following the Biblical  admonition “Speare the rod and spoil  the child.”   There  are also innumerable  cases of the  denial of blood  transfusions,  denial of  public  education, and  denial  of *  any  * modern  medical  treatment, all  in the  name of  this cult’s beliefs.  Does Christianity  preach  a form  of sado-masochism?  If it does,  it is  a dangerous  cult

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Caffeine, found naturally in coffee, tea, and chocolate, and as an additive in soft drinks and various medicinal remedies, is the most popular drug in the world. Caffeine a drug? Most people recognize two types of drugs. The first type includes chemicals such as aspirin and penicillin that can be purchased at the drugstore and are used to treat illnesses. And the second type includes substances such as heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol that people take to relax, to invigorate themselves, or to escape from reality.

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Enochian Temples: Generating the “Abyss” Experience with the Temple

by Benjamin Rowe © 1987, 1992

WARNING: The technique described herein can be VERY DANGEROUS to the emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of the magician who makes use of it. I am releasing it solely because full disclosure was one of the requirements under which the Enochian Temple system was originally given to me. The entities who provided the basic information feel that people can not grow to spiritual adulthood without being exposed to adult hazards. My experience of the results prevents me from being quite so cold-blooded. The same goals can be accomplished by more gradual means, as those entities have stated themselves. The magician who choses to use this technique must take full personal responsibility for both the decision to do so, and for any events resulting from its use.

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Natrium muriaticum (Sea Salt)

by Anja Heij

The sea is salt and salt are your tears; salt is used to preserve your food.
Natrium muriaticum, being the homoeopatic salt, is a medicine for preserved and frozen grief and suppressed emotions. People who need this remedy often have had a grief too big to work through, so they stored it somewhere in their personality, consciously or unconsciously. They don’t want to talk about it and often weeping is impossible for them. They feel deeply hurt inside. In order to prevent further attacks on their soul they build
an emotional ivory tower around themselves. This means that it are quite vulnerable, closed people who find it difficult to show their emotions and who keep other people at a certain distance.

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by Anja Heij

The two main characteristics in the psychological image of Staphisagria are oppression and victim.
Staphisagria-personalities have problems with injustice; they cannot stand injustice caused to themselves or persons in their surroundings. They do not stand up against this injustice however, but they react with some passive acceptance of it. They have the feeling that defending them is impossible, or the constant attacks or their personality have simply made them too tired to respond assertively any longer. The background of their passive suffering is often fear of further oppression, fear of sexual abuse, fear of physical violence, fear of mental and emotional ill-treatment, or some out of place feeling of responsibility towards their oppressor. Since they cannot defend themselves they react with withdrawal. There is anger with silent grief and anger with indignation. Fear of authorities.

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Manganum (Manganese)

by Anja Heij

Manganese is a widespread metal on Earth. It makes connections with many other elements.
Manganum-characters are flexible; they easily adapt themselves to other people. They feel a great need to help and support others. If they cannot help you they become uneasy and restless; there is an inner drive to connect, to relate to people. Manganums also desire appreciation of their  helpfulness; they like to be flattered. If their help remains unnoticed or when it is not valued they become bitter and start pitying themselves: ” I worked so hard to make him feel well, and in stead of ‘thank you’ all I get  are reproaches!”

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Aurum metallicum (Gold)

by Anja Heij

Aurum is gold. Astrology places the metal gold under reign of the Sun.
Through nuclear reactions the Sun generates its own energy. The planets are born from the Sun; the Sun is in a way the father/mother of the family of our solar system. All life on the diverse planets depends on the Sun. Now, knowing this about the Sun, it is understandable that people who need Aurum have a very strong feeling of responsibility and the idea that they have to solve all their problems by themselves.

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