Baal Sapon

Local tutelary god. Western Semitic (Phoenician).

Probably of Canaanite origin and closely equating with BAALSˇ AMIN. According to Ugaritic texts he lives on a mountain in the north of Phoenicia known as Saphan, which may have served as a beacon for mariners. Other local variations of mountain deities include Baal Hermon and Baal Brathy.

APHRODITE (foam-born)

ORIGIN Greek and Cypriot. Goddess of sexual love.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP identified from circa 1300 BC (evolving from an earlier prehistoric Asiatic model), until Christianization (circa AD 400) and later.

SYNONYMS equating with IS ˇ TAR (Akkadian); ASTARTE (Syrian); AS ˇTORETH (Phoenician); Dione, Cytherea, VENUS (Roman).

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God of healing. Western Semitic (Phoenician).

Known first from the Iron Age levels at Sidon, his cult spread as far as Carthage, Cyprus and Sardinia. Possibly became syncretized with the god MELQART and, in Hellenic times, with the physician god ASKLEPIOS. His name further became linked with the mother goddess CAELESTIS.





by Ben White

A Phoenician dying and rising god associated with crops and the seasonal agricultural cycle. Popular during the Hellenistic period, the cult of Adon rose to prominence circa 200 BCE and persisted into Christian times, circa 400 CE. Major cult centers were located at Berytus, Aphaca 1, and Byblos 2.

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