
*Color range includes brass-yellow which may tarnish to green or iridescent; often occurring with copper and/or zinc.
*Enhances one’s abilities of perception; acts as a connective force with other cultures -stone of the mystic”, bringing information for the self and others.
*Good for removing energy blockages and excellent for meditation, for attaining and maintaining meditative state.
*Has been used in treatment of bronchitis and lung problems, for highly infective diseases; lessens fevers and reduces inflammation.

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Desert Rose by Rhiana Moonstar

A gypsum. Lt. brown. Gently grounding; clarifies thinking and mental vision, perception. Quiets worry, brings out practicality. (Related to Selenite) The spirit of these Selenite clusters send the message to stop, take time for self, smell the roses, find beauty in the day, and to enjoy every precious moment. You are reminded of the Divine in everything and everyone. The spirit here assists you in that joyous feeling of being connected.