Spiritual Nature of Numbers by David Allen Hulse

Beyond the visible divinatory interpretations of numerology , pioneer Madame Blavatsky, in her Secret Doctrine, gives the mystery-language symbols for the first nine numbers.

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The Meanings of the Numbers by David Allen Hulse

But what good is this bit of divinatory calculation associating numbers to names and birth dates if we do not have an oracular vocabulary which can give symbolic meaning and nuance to the number series? Luckily, modern numerology has inherited from the ancient tradition of numbers a key to interpreting the meaning of numbers.

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Your Birth Number by David Allen Hulse

Numerology , in addition to assigning three basic number values to the letters of a name, also assigns a birth date to one number, known as the birth number. The birth number reveals influences at birth which will shape the direction your life will take. The birth date is first converted to three basic numbers, one for the month, one for the day, and one for the year. These three dates are then added together and reduced to a single number between 1 and 9.

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The Numbers Eleven and Twenty Two by David Allen Hulse

Two other numbers beyond 1 through 9 in modern numerology are regarded as special or gifted numbers.
These numbers are 11 and 22. Eleven is the number of revelation, while 22 is the number of adeptship.

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Tarot Interpretations of Numbers One Through Nine by David Allen Hulse

The following list gives very basicc meanings for the Tarot cards associated with each of the numbers one through nine.

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