Tarot Interpretations of Numbers One Through Nine by David Allen Hulse

The following list gives very basicc meanings for the Tarot cards associated with each of the numbers one through nine.

1 —The Magician: Concentration, intention, will
2 —The High Priestess: Reflection, receptivity, hidden knowledge
3 —The Empress: Imagination, inspiration, spiritual world
4 —The Emperor: Reason, order, material world
5 —The Hierophant: Intuition, union, bridging of spiritual and material (Heaven and Earth)
6 —The Lovers: Decision, discrimination, love
7 —The Chariot: Direction, empowerment, secret languages (symbolic)
8 —Strength: Energy, exuberance, bliss
9 —The Hermit: Summit, attainment, secret teachers

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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