The Numbers Eleven and Twenty Two by David Allen Hulse

Two other numbers beyond 1 through 9 in modern numerology are regarded as special or gifted numbers.
These numbers are 11 and 22. Eleven is the number of revelation, while 22 is the number of adeptship.

Whenever the number 11 or 22 is generated, either by totaling numbers together or reducing and then adding together the digits of a number, then the special meanings apply for 11 and 22 rather than the reduced 2 or 4.

The number 11 symbolizes inner vision that contains a message that must be communicated to the world in the form of an inspired text, a religious or philosophical doctrine, or a new teaching. The number 22 symbolizes the master, either good or evil, white or black magick. Note that 11 can degenerate to 2 (1 + 1) and 22 can degenerate to 4 (2 + 2). Thus divine revelation (11) can turn to mere receptivity to any influence (good or evil), while adeptship (22) can turn to depression or grim, hard work (4).

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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