Introduction to Enochian Tarot by Gerald and Betty Schueler

The Magickal Universe is that portion of the universe that is invisible to our physical senses. It contains the inner worlds of the magician. The Enochian Tarot conforms with the structure of the Magickal Universe as taught by Enochian Magick, and the cards themselves conform with the vast potential of our universe.
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How the Enochian Tarot Works by Gerald and Betty Schueler

How can a deck of cards show you what will happen in the future? How does the Tarot work? In order to work, a Tarot deck must be an authentic microcosm of the macrocosmic universe. In other words, it must be structured in the same way that our universe is structured, but in miniature. The physical universe is only a small part of the whole. The portion of our universe that is invisible to our physical senses is sometimes called the Magickal Universe. It contains the inner worlds of the magician.
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Practice #39B: Charge a Mirror

Do the same practice as above by projecting energy into a mirror. It is good to have the mirror positioned inside a triangle.

Both practices, the circle and the triangle, are an excellent help in the work with energies of a higher order. The circle removes the potential of manifestation for the energy. It is an insulating device for the practicing magician. The triangle generates a strong field of life energy that helps confining the energy within its limits.

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Enochian Temples: Invoking the cacodemons with the Temple

by Benjamin Rowe, Copyright 1992

The enochian system is primarily angelic in character. There are no entities in the system who actually meet the traditional definitions of elementals or demons. All the elemental forces are invoked and used through the intervention of conscious, intelligent entities who are themselves of a multiplex nature. These entities can provide elementals for the magician, but the elementals can not be directly invoked.

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Sigil Magic for the Professional Magician     

by Areosol


I will assume that you are already initiated into the secrets of  Austin  Spare`s sigil magic. Consulting with my clients as a professional magician, I am always confronted with the same question: Is the client’s will identical with my own?  If it is, there should be no problem involved in charging the sigil in the client’s stead by myself. (The client, one must remember, will usually not be familiar with the basic tenets of sigil magic or even magic in general and will probably hesitate to try it out for himself.) However, I believe as a matter of principle that everybody should vaccinate his will for himself. I do not feel happy with charging myself i.e. my subconscious with other people’s desires.

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