House cleansing

There are lots of things that one can do. Anything you do, however, would be best if tailored to your needs and focus. I’ll throw a number of suggestions to you, things that my mate & I have done, but don’t necessarily read this as being the One and True Way to do a house cleansing.

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Erythroxylum catuaba
The tree known as the catuaba is a South American species of tree that grows in rain forests. This tree grows in the rain forests of Brazil and belongs to the same plant family as the famous coca plant – cocaine is an extracted from this plant. However, catuaba does not have the narcotic alkaloids that are present in the coca plant. Traditionally, the catuaba bark has been utilized in herbal medicine by the natives of Brazilian rain forests. A different tree, botanically known as the Erythroxylum catuaba is also found growing in the rain forests of South America. This vigorous and hardy small tree bears yellow and orange colored flowers and when in season, it also bears small oval shaped, dark yellow colored and inedible fruits.

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Magick Weapons by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

The practice of Enochian Magick requires the use of a Wand. However, it is preferable to use all four main magickal weapons (one for each of the four Watchtowers). You should make your own weapons, or at least inscribe appropriate sigils and/or designs on them yourself.
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Bitter Melon

Momordica charantia
The herb known as the bitter melon is a tropical plant, and grows extensively in the tropics-which include parts of East Africa, large parts of Asia, the Caribbean islands, and in parts of South America. This plant is used as a source of food and as an herbal medicine as well. True to its name, the fruit of this plant has a very bitter taste. Medicinal use is chiefly made of the fruit, as it is considered the safest and most easily cured part of the plant, however, the seeds, the leaves, and the vines of the bitter melon has also been extensively used in a variety of herbal medicines and infusions.

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Eos (the Dawn) E os

Goddess of the Dawn

The beautiful goddess of the dawn, Eos (Erigeneia). In the Homeric Hymn to Helios, we are told that Hyperion married his sister, Eryphaesa, and begot tireless Helios (the Sun), rosy Eos (the Dawn) and fair tressed Selene (the Moon). In the Hymn to Aphrodite, Aphrodite falls in love with a beautiful mortal, Anchises, soon to be the father of Aineias (Aeneas). Aphrodite tells the story of Eos and her abducted lover Tithonos. When Eos went to Zeus to request immortality for her mortal lover, Zeus nodded and made it so… however, Eos did not ask for perpetual youth for Tithonos. As the years passed, he aged and, finally, lost all strength in his limbs. Eos, with love and pity, put him in a private room and shut the shining doors. We can only assume that he is still there.

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Enochian Magick Techniques by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

The two main techniques used in Enochian Magick are skrying and travel in the Body of Light, which is also called travel in the Spirit Vision. However, before these are to be used in a magickal operation, one must first  draw a magic circle in which to work.

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Atarrabi and Mikleats

The two sons of the supreme goddess Mari and her consort Maju. These two are personified, like their parents through weather. Atarrabi is good and Mikleats is evil. However with Christianity they were often both depicted as demons so sometimes Atarrabi is the evil son and other times it is Mikelats.

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Enochian Tarot by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

Most people use the Tarot for divination . This was apparently the main use applied by the Gypsies . Another common use was for entertainment. In this form, the Tarot was used as a game, possibly a game of chance like modern poker and other card games. However, a deeper and more profound use was discovered by a few others. These were seekers after truth. They were people who struggled to learn about themselves and the world around them. For them, the Tarot was not a game but a mirror into which they could see themselves.
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Enochian Deities and Hierarchies by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

Enochian Magick denies the existence of a personal, absolute Deity, or God. Instead, the Enochian view of God agrees with the Buddhist teaching of a plurality of deities, with none supreme. The word supreme implies an end beyond which we cannot go; Enochian Physics accepts no such limitations. Existence is infinite and unbounded. There are no limits to it, and therefore there can be no supreme being. However, there are intelligent rulers of each world, each planet, each sun, and so on. Enochian Magick establishes the rulers for each of the four Watchtowers as follows:
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This variation on the Banshee could be found in the legends of Ireland, Scotland and Brittany. The name ‘Bean-Nighe’ means washer woman. She was called this as she was usually seen washing bloody garments at the water’s edge. her feet were webbed like those of a duck or goose. If a traveler saw her before she spied him, he would survive, however, if she spied him first, he would die. In the Scottish Highlands, it was thought that only those about to die could see her.