The hills are alive . . .

Bob Trubshaw

‘…with the sound of music’ I hear you all chant, grimacing at the thought of Julie Andrews’ grin permanently putting paid to Switzerland’s credibility. But, as good pagans all, we know the hills are alive and, as I hope to show, they should resound to music.

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Black Annis of Leicestershire

by herself

Some of those fuddy-duddy men who like to collect quaint stories – “folklorists” is how they’ve started to call themselves in the last century or so – come up with some right howlers as they sit there in their armchairs getting boozed. Let’s you and I get a thing or two straight. The name’s Black Annis, but you may call me ‘Cat’ Anna between yourselves – but not to my face, if you value the appearance of yours. As any kid growing up in Leicester would have told you, my home used to be Black Annis’ Bower Close – a posh address for a cave, but that’s what happens when you’re famous. It’s in a small natural outcrop on the Dane Hills – that’s off to the west of the city on the way to Glenfield, if you’re not from these parts.

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Natural Element Corrispondence

Direction : East
Rules : The mind, knowledge, abstract learning, theory, imagination, ideas, beliefs, beginnings, rebirth
Elemental : Sprites
Time : Dawn
Season : Spring
Colors : Yellow, white, pastels
Tools : Athame, sword, censor
Zodiac : Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Animals : Birds, Gryphons
Places : Windswept hills, high mountain peaks, towers

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