The summer season
Angel of the night
Element of earth
Rules North quarter of the earth
Seed is in the earth and all is dark
Helps us contemplate the future
The color white and all earth tones
Winter colors: black, brown, gray
Astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

Continue reading “AURIEL”


*Color is gray to black.
*Intensifies one’s patience and provides information to higher self concerning perseverance.
*Helps search for truth.
*Provides grounding and centering while enhancing the creative aspects of ones nature, allowing access to information from advanced realms.
*Helps align subtle bodies and enhances emotional stability and heightens distinction.

Continue reading “*Ilvaite*”


*Helps one clarify direction in life.
*Has a positive effect on the Heart Chakra.
*Harmonizes & stabilizes energy flow within & between chakras.
*Affects the intercommunication network of the brain, enhancing coordination of thought & action, memory, concentration & intellectual capacity.
*Beneficially influences pituitary gland, brain, immune system, and thyroid.
*Chakras: Heart, Brow & Crown.

Continue reading “*Huebnerite*”


*Includes a family of silicates that are related in structure and chemical composition.
*Helps one to let go of the old and embrace new exciting methods of reaching one’s goals.
*Assists in self-awareness and self-love.
*Useful in treatment of skin and muscular structural problems.

Continue reading “*Feldspar*”

*Covellite *

*Energizer, brings freshness to life as it stimulates the inner spirit to seek new heights and enjoy the moment.
*Aids in re-birthing experiences.
*Helps maintain a positive outlook.
*Can assist in turning conscious dreams into realities.
*Said to stimulate the third eye and initiate psychic abilities, and to allow one to move easily into a state of deep meditation.

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A  variety of quartz. Balances neurotic patterns. Eases depression   and   sexual   imbalance.   Fertility.   Calming, balancing, healing for physical/emotional/mental bodies. Helps one  see  clearly  into  personal  problems.  Brings out inner  talents. Lightheartedness, joy. (4)







*Colourless, blue, white, grey, yellow, brown, peach, black and brownish-rose.
*Creates incentive to “go for” one’s dreams without restraint.
*Helps friendship, harmony, love and provides insight into relationships.
*Helps release trapped feelings.
*Barite is peach and black.
*It is helpful in rituals and spells designed to clear obstacles in one’s life path.
*Using barite helps to conserve energy, and so is helpful for those who have immune problems or who are excessively anxious or stressed.
*Helps to promote a balanced energy flow in the user.

Continue reading “*Barite*”


*Facilitates the activation of individual chakras.
*Brings freshness and newness to one’s life.
*Stimulates inner spirit to seek heights and ability to enjoy happiness.
*Helps to separate emotions from intellect, to recognize and accept the difference.
*Excellent healing stone.

Continue reading “*Bornite*”