Erida   er E da

The Goddess Hate

The wearisome goddess, Erida, or Hate, can best be invoked by reading the opening lines of Book 11 of The Iliad. After Dawn sheds her gentle light on mortals and immortals alike, Zeus sends Hate to the encampment of the Akhaians (Achaians). She stands on the centermost of the beached vessels and SCREAMS!!! The hearts of the soldiers are hardened as they awaken. They no longer remember their fathers or their wives and children. They rise from their beds with Hate ringing in their ears. In their hearts, they long for the sweetness of battle. Only blood will dispel the sanguine thrust of Hate.

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*The Comfort Stone

*In my earliest days of crystal self-healing I was prone to severe bouts of sciatica. I found that by taping several aventurine crystals on the lower back area before going to bed (hearts are perfect for this purpose) I woke up feeling much better, and my chiropractor, who knew that I used crystals for sciatica, commented once that my posture had improved three hundred percent since I’d initially limped into her office.

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Beltaine Moon by Charma

Thunderstorm echoes, speaking stories across the earth..
Neath the oaks secret lovers sip golden summer wine..
Beltaine moon rises, shining silver in the evening sky..
In the circle, vibrant, firelit, the lady waits.
DreamSinger sings the songs of old, the dancers spiral turning..
Earth and water, fire and air.. on the altar candles burning.
East then South, West and North, the corner wards are called.
Raise the cup and drink…salute to she who waits..
We who stand on the edge of wonder, ask and do invoke..
Into the circle enter, enter.. love and trust your oath.
The scent of incense fills the night, carries whispers on the wind..
The horned lord bidden, here the lady waits..
Mysteries are spoken, souls and hearts, our will be done…
Passions inflamed are given reign.. freed from earthly bounds.
Renewal, fulfillment, as above.. so below.. and blessed be.
Under the beltaine moon… The lady waits no more..