Halloween in Different Countries

Halloween in Mexico


In Mexico they have picnic lunches on the graves of their relatives. As this is a day of remembrance, happiness and celebration.
They bake bread and make candy in the shape of skull and crossbones, a casket, or a skeleton.

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October 31

Samhain: (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas (Celtic/Scottish) October 31
“Samhain” means “End of Summer”. Its historical origin is The Feast of the Dead in Celtic lands. Samhain, popularly known as Halloween, is the Witches’ New Year.
It is said to be the time when the veil between the worlds is very thin, when souls that are leaving this physical plane can pass out and souls that are reincarnating can pass in.
Darkness increases and the Goddess reigns as the Crone, part of the three-in-one that also includes the Maiden and Mother.

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A Witch’s Thoughts on Halloween

Most people celebrate Halloween as a children’s holiday of candy and costumes.  However, I will be celebrating tonight as Samhain (“Sow-wen”), the Celtic New Year, the night for remembering loved ones past and looking toward the future. For I am a Neo-pagan, a follower of the Old Religion, a Wiccan.  I am a Witch.

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Samhain: Summonings, Conjurations, Invocations – Why Bother?

by Ambrose Hawk

With the approach of Samhain, Halloween, All Soul’s Day, and “the Day of the Dead” (all related festivals), I’ve heard several folks declare that they are going to ignore the main focus of the party. They aren’t going to bother the spirits, but rather just dress up and secure the house and either go party or stay home. Why should they be worried, they ask, about possible contact with the spirits. Why don’t they consider this event from the viewpoint of the spirits? It’s not a batty idea.

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