Medicine Stone Wheel:

The medicine wheel is used for growth, learning, and is a tool for enlightenment and assistance in areas where we need it. This Sioux medicine wheel shows seven stones in the middle represent the seven types of human personality – or the universal personality (hate, love, fear, envy, compassion, etc.). The stones encircling the inner seven stones represent plants, animals, people or something else – each regarded as having equal value. The four cardinal points represent the four paths each person is born to.

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Brassica oleracea
The common cabbage is a very familiar garden plant and parts of the plant are widely used as a vegetable all over the world. This plant is a “round” herb which is biennial or perennial, cabbage may reach 8 ft or up to 2.5 m when fully grown. Gray leaves and a thick stem characterize the cabbage, and the herb also bears striking four petaled yellow flowers when it blooms in the spring. The familiar cabbage head is produced during the late summer within the first year of growth, this head of the cabbage results from the greatly enlarged terminal bud, and the head of cabbage is a very common vegetable all over the world.

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Emerald by Rhiana Moonstar

Receptive. Element: Earth. Beryl. Strengthens heart chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honesty. Lifts depression, insomnia. Knowingness of the heart, peaceful dreams.

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Dragon Planetary Correspondences

Rules: The conscious will, energy, life, joy, success, advancement, leadership, natural
power, friendship, growth, healing, light, abundance
Day: Sunday
Element: Fire
Magickal Tool: Scepter
Colour: Yellow or gold Metal: Gold
Zodiac: Leo
Stones: Zircon, jacinth, goldstone, topaz, yellow diamond, chrysoleth
Oils: Bay laurel, cinnamon, clove, frankincense, ginger, patchouli, rosemary, styrax
Incense: Cloves, cinnamon, frankincense, laurel, myrrh
Plants: Acacia, bay laurel, Benzoin, cassia, chamomile, sweet cicely, cinnamon, clove,
frankincense, ginger, juniper, mastic, myrrh, oak, patchouli, rosemary, storax

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A Cat Spell For Spiritual Growth

© 1998 by D. J. Conway

Sometimes in our busy lives we get too caught up in the everyday cycle of life and we forget our spirituality. In the absence of our mysticism we forget the guidance, support and general well being that spirituality provides for us and lose track of what is important to us. The following is a cat spell for spiritual growth. Let the magickal cat remind us of our spiritual path and help us to regain the sight in which we see it.  Spiritual growth isn’t a one-time “I’ve got it” proposition. Ideally, it is a continuous, upward spiral of knowledge-seeking which never ends. Sometimes a metaphorical light will come on, and we will understand a single spiritual point with great clarity. Most of the time, however, we have to plod along, step by step, sweating for everything we learn. What we can learn through patience and perseverance usually lasts the longest. Here’s a cat spell that will help:
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Stimulates and purifies the base chakra. Channels the white light energy of the crown chakra into the first chakra to be rooted deep into the physical plane. I will give one a sense of pride about walking the earth and inhabiting a physical body. It helps one come to terms with their body, their heart, their life and their world. Gives one the power to manifest their dreams and visions of earth. Enables one to assimilate more in life by teaching to let go of what is no longer needed for growth. Grounding.










*Beryl, Golden/ Heliodor*

*Stimulates the mind, nervous system, spine, bones with warm sun energy for mental clarity, confidence, willpower, visualizing, protection.
*Cleans emotional & physical toxins from liver and skin.
*Pink: Excellent for growth, transition stabilizing, Heart Chakra.
*Golden Beryl for Solar Plexus & Brow.

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Crescent Moon:

The crescent moon is a symbol of the Goddess. The crescent moon can be either waxing (going towards the full moon), or waning going towards the new moon). The waxing moon is great for doing magickal workings that have to do with growth, creativity, etc. The waning moon is for the opposite, for example, banishing negativity. The crescent moons also symbolize two of the aspects of the Goddess. The waxing moon symbolizes the maiden, and the waning moon symbolizes the crone.


Protein is essential for normal growth, cell repair, and the production of hormones, immune cells, and muscle.
Scientists have begun to investigate the health benefits of a particular type of protein: whey protein concentrate, which is derived from milk protein. Unlike whole milk, whey protein concentrate does not contain fat, lactose (a milk sugar that can be hard to digest), or any other undesirable ingredients. What it does contain, however, are six different types of protein that have potent disease-fighting properties.

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