California Poppy

Eschscholzia californica Cham
The herbaceous plant called the California poppy is native to the western regions of North America. It is a small annual or perennial plant that can reach two ft or sixty cm in height when fully grown. The leaves of the California poppy are finely cut and the plant bears pretty red, bright orange, and yellow or pink color flowers – and many people around the world cultivate the plant for its flowers.

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Brassica oleracea
The common cabbage is a very familiar garden plant and parts of the plant are widely used as a vegetable all over the world. This plant is a “round” herb which is biennial or perennial, cabbage may reach 8 ft or up to 2.5 m when fully grown. Gray leaves and a thick stem characterize the cabbage, and the herb also bears striking four petaled yellow flowers when it blooms in the spring. The familiar cabbage head is produced during the late summer within the first year of growth, this head of the cabbage results from the greatly enlarged terminal bud, and the head of cabbage is a very common vegetable all over the world.

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A Garden of Healing Herbs

There are four main stages of untaming the medicinal garden, and they can be practiced simultaneously, after being developed gradually over a period of years. The first stage is to grow herbs in beds of rows, circles, geometric or random patterns, in much the same way as vegetables are grown. The garden bed has a definite role in many landscapes. It is easy to plan and care for, easy to protect with fences, and easy to harvest from. These kinds of welldefined gardens are attractive and can be located close to the house for convenience and for the visual delight they offer. The particular design and layout of the herb bed can be as varied as the number of herbs being grown and the types of people growing them.

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North-May 1

South-November 1


Beltane, or Beltaine, is the celebration of two powers joining to bring creation, in this case, the Goddess and the God.  The two form a sacred union, from which comes creation, growth and harmony.  The God, now grown, becomes enraptured with the Goddess and from their love, all of nature grows and flowers.

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August Moon


August Full Moon~Barley Moon
August 9, 2006, 6:54 am EST

This Moon is also known by the following names

Moon of the Green Corn, Sturgeon Moon, Dog Day Moon (Colonial American Name), Harvest Moon (Chinese), Fruit Moon (Cherokee), Women’s Moon (Choctaw), Moon When All Things Ripen (Dakota Sioux), Dispute Moon (Celtic), Corn Moon (English Medieval), Lightning Moon (Neo Pagan), The Barley Moon also signifies harvest, but Her message is much different than that of the Wort Moon:  It heralds the reaping of grain fields.  This is important to the Witch because grain holds the mysteries and cycles of life, death, and rebirth within its core.  Each kernel is the product of the first grain ever grown.  And yet this life renews itself every year to lend its energy and nourish our bodies.  There is little else on Earth more ancient or powerful.

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