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How to find a Coven or Group by David Rankine and Sorita

For more information on the authors please visit or if you wish to contact them please write to: BM Avalonia, London, WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom. (Please include a SAE)© David Rankine & Sorita 2000

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Dragon Celebrations

January 16th – Earth Dragon Day

Bronze Dragons originally dwelled in mountan caves or subterranean lairs. They’re the source of the mythos about dragon’s hoarding treasure, but as with most things it isn’t quite what it seems. Bronze dragons love weath but their definition of wealth is the wealth of the abundant land, lush green forests, sparkling waterfalls, flower sprinkled meadows. They are by their very nature ecologists. They can also be eco-terrorists if they feel their land is being destroyed. They can wreck any level of havoc when they’re upset but one of their favourite things to do is take back all the gold and silver and jewels they can find. After all it came from either “their” land or the land of a brother or sister dragon if people value those things more highly than nature why what else is a poor dragon to do to get some attention?

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Dragon Festivals/ Holidays

January 16th – Earth Dragon Day

Bronze Dragons originally dwelled in mountan caves or subterranean lairs. They’re the source of the mythos about dragon’s hoarding treasure, but as with most things it isn’t quite what it seems. Bronze dragons love weath but their definition of wealth is the wealth of the abundant land, lush green forests, sparkling waterfalls, flower sprinkled meadows. They are by their very nature ecologists. They can also be eco-terrorists if they feel their land is being destroyed. They can wreck any level of havoc when they’re upset but one of their favourite things to do is take back all the gold and silver and jewels they can find. After all it came from either “their” land or the land of a brother or sister dragon if people value those things more highly than nature why what else is a poor dragon to do to get some attention?

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By Carol Ward

Chapter II




They say knowledge is power and I agree, learning is empowering. I find that the more I learn, the more interesting life becomes. I’m not talking about school type learning, (although obviously that’s great too) I’m talking about finding out more about anything and everything. My best inspiration for learning comes from movies. I’ll be watching a movie (or TV program or reading a book) and they’ll mention something, a country, religion, archeological find, strange happening, unusual weather phenomena etc and I’ll think, “hey, that sounds interesting!” My next stop will be the internet and/or my local library (aren’t libraries great!) and I’ll read and do research until I feel I know enough about the subject. That doesn’t mean I know everything about it, just what I need to satisfy myself. I’ve learned lots of amazing things this way and I never get tired of it, there’s always something else to learn about.

Continue reading ““IF I CAN DO IT, ANYONE CAN!””


by Dr Alena Trckova-Flamee, Ph.D.

The name Hippeia has its roots in the Mycenaean period. It appeared between the names of divine figures in a form “OTNIA IQEJA” in the Linear Script B in a Tablet from Pylos. The word Potnia denoted a majestic, powerful and sublime lady, while Iqeja connected with the Greek word “íppeía”, which means a ride, a horsemanship, a cavalry, specified the sphere of the deity’s influence. Between the Mycenaean terracotta figures we can find some goddess riding sidesaddle on her horse, unfortunately we have no prove that this figure represented Iqeja.

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