Abracadabra by Donald Michael Kraig

Some people have tried to associate the word with ancient Jewish mysticism and Kabalism . Typical examples say that it is derived from ab, ben, and ruach acadasch, words that respectively mean father, son, and Holy Spirit. Another supposed source is that it is a variation of the Hebrew abreq ad habra, which means, “hurl your thunderbolts even unto death.” Another version has it meaning “Speak the blessing” from the Hebrew “ha brachah dabarah.” There are a wide variety of other variations and supposed sources for this word.

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Creator god. Mayan (Yucatec and Quiche, classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico]. According to the sacred text Popol Vuh, the son of HUN HUNAPU and the twin brother of Ix Balan Ku. Tradition has it that, like his father, he was decapitated in a historic struggle with the underworld gods and subsequently became the sun god, while his sibling is the apotheosis of the moon.

Haroeris [Greek]

Form of the god HORUS as a man. Egyptian. The name distinguishes the mature deity from HARPOKRATES, the child Horus. In this form he avenges his father, OSIRIS, and regains his kingdom from SETH, his uncle. He is depicted as the falcon god. Also Harueris; Har-wer (both Egyptian); HARENDOTES.


Creator god. Australian aboriginal. Otherwise known as Gayandi he is the son of BAIAME and BIRRAHGNOOLOO and is worshiped principally by the Wiradyuri and Kamilaroi groups of aborigines in the southeast of Australia, who regard him as an intermediary between his father, the supreme being, and the human race. To an extent this role may have developed through Christian missionary influence


by Daniel A. Kelin, II

The trickster, Letao, was born from Wulep’s head, along with his brother Jemeluit (rainbow). They were born on the magical island called Eb. Letao then accidentally created all the rest of the islands by stealing a basket of dirt from his father. The basket had a hole in it and spilled dots of dirt across the ocean, thus creating the Marshall Islands. The discarded basket became the island of Kili. He is also responsible for introducing fire to the islands.


*Deep Red Wine (High copper content) opens flow of Coccyx & Solar Plexus.
*Stomach/power centers.
*Kundalini energy, will power.
*Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (in
men) & confidence/security issues.
*Accesses past life parent info for healing issues.
*Also with Heart Chakra, strengthens thymus, heart, blood & oxygen, metabolism, stamina & healing.
*Chakras: Deep Red Wine – Coccyx & Solar Plexus. Heart.


by Brian Edward Rise

The nephew of Gawain and hero of a romance by Chrétien de Troyes. He is rightful heir to the throne of Constantinople but, upon the death of his father, the throne is usurped by a kinsman, Alis. Alis is married to Fénice but she and Cligés are in love. Despite this love, Fénice will not engage in an affair like Tristan and Iseult. Cligés goes and makes his name at Arthur‘s court. Fénice then fakes death and joins Cligés. They live together until eventually marrying after Alis’s death.

Ban, King

by Brian Edward Rise

Father of Lancelot. First named in the Vulgate Lancelot. He is the sage king of Benoic in western France. Ban is defeated by his foe, Claudas of Berry, dying while Lancelot is but an infant. For this reason Lancelot is taken to be raised by the Lady of the Lake.

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