Kyanite by Rhiana Moonstar

Light blue, splintery. Placed on brow, this opens 3rd eye and throat chakras. Enhances psychic images, foresight, consciousness, meditation, communication. On 3rd eye; answers questions, especially in imagery.

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Physical properties of Tiger Eye:

Tiger eye is a compact form of quartz with fibrous, parallel inclusions of hornblende, which  catches light, giving tiger eye its distinctive appearance. It can be found in golden-yellow or golden-brown.

Tiger eye has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs’ scale, and a specific gravity of 2.64 to 2.71.

Continue reading “TYGERS EYE:”




My crystal is golden yellow & brown striped

LEGEND and LORE: The various “eye” stones have always been considered strong talismans. It was believed that a person possessing one could see everything, even behind closed doors. Egyptians carved it into god figurines, to represent divine vision.

Continue reading “CRYSTAL – TIGER’S EYE”


This stone carries immense quantities of energy, both positive and negative and is thus the stone of fortune and misfortune.  lt is also called the stone of the Gods since it carries all colours.  It represents all four elements.

it attracts to the wearer whatever is written on its self.  It opens the visionary aspects of the mind and encourages and aids visions and psychic journeying.  It also strengthens memory and revives and clears the mind.  It is also used in prophecy and divination by placing over the third eye.

Continue reading “OPALS”


The Agate strenghtens victories of all kinds.  Gives courage, strength aids in awakening the inner self for receptiveness.  Protects and wards off the evil eye, keeps away bad dreams, cures insomnia.  A triangular one is good for intestinal problems and makes the wearer agreeable.



*Translucent Gold or Green Cat’s Eye, often confused with Quartz Tiger’s Eye, but rarer
*Usually clear, green or green-brown.
*For acquiring more prosperity.
*Confidence, self pride, healing, amplifies other gems.
*Some are irradiated to turn green – trust your feeling with each stone.

Continue reading “*Chrysoberyl*”