Oriental Teaching as to the Soul, Ether and Energy

Chapter V

“As from its fineness, the all-pervading ether is not touched, so the soul, located in every body, is not touched.

As the one Sun illumines all this world so He that abideth in the body lights up the whole field.

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Learn How To Direct Life Force

You had your first experience with directing life energy when you practiced seeing it with the wand. For some the following practices you will need a partner. To be more effective you need also learn a preliminary practice that employs your capability to imagine. Anything that you image is structure and life energy follows structural principles easier than space-time distances. This characteristic of life force opens up truly fantastic potentials for the person who learns to use it. The whole science of magic is a result of this characteristic of life energy! Our mind creates structures in continuous sequence! This is the reason for the fact that magic is as old as mankind. Earliest man already realized that events sometimes followed visualization.

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   Congratulations on your decision to begin a study of energy field healing. Chios Level I is an introduction to this fascinating and important healing art.

You will begin by learning to work with the energy. Every living thing that exists is permeated by a universal energy that connects and nourishes all life. This energy has been called by many different names, such as prana and chi. An “invisible” energy field composed of this life energy surrounds each human being. It is this energy field around each person which integrally supports the life process in all its aspects—the material operations of the physical body, the functions of the emotions and mind, and even the spiritual life.

Continue reading “INTRODUCTION: Healing Level I”


Spring Equinox     

A time of balance, fertility and abundance.

In Nature :  Day and night are of equal length, but daylight is increasing – the light has conquered the darkness. The green God arises in the fields and the earth re-awakens. Energy is building as the days become warmer with promise.

Continue reading “Ostara      “


Colors have been used in all civilizations thoughout recorded history for healing, medical problems and promoting mental and emotional growth. From the ancient color healing temples of Egypt and Greece through today’s solar energy. The Wizard must be able to utilize these colors to be able to complete the purification process, as well as stimulate spiritual growth. Thus, the effects of color prove to a be subtle but powerful tool when calling on their energies.



by Anodea Judith

What is this strange and mysterious Goddess force?
I like to think of Kundalini with a metaphor of connecting gears. In an undeveloped person, the chakras are likely to be small. Each one is spinning in its relative place, but the spinning of one does not necessarily affect the spinning of another. As the chakras grow through the capacity to handle increased energy, they are more likely to touch each other and thereby stimulate the spinning of a chakra above or below. When this occurs, we feel an increased rush of energy and awareness throughout our whole system. We experience the Kundalini force.

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“22 Commandments” For The New Age

Ann Waldrum


  1. You shall learn of Honesty and attempt to heal your fear of it, to use this in daily living.
  2. You shall learn to Love Unconditionally–beginning with  yourself.
  3. You shall help all people in your worlds come to physical healing.
  4. You shall dwell on things of high and pure energy in others and self to change Earth.
  5. You will learn and practice Pure Service — unconditional  and with love energy. Continue reading ““22 Commandments” For The New Age”

Aurum metallicum (Gold)

by Anja Heij

Aurum is gold. Astrology places the metal gold under reign of the Sun.
Through nuclear reactions the Sun generates its own energy. The planets are born from the Sun; the Sun is in a way the father/mother of the family of our solar system. All life on the diverse planets depends on the Sun. Now, knowing this about the Sun, it is understandable that people who need Aurum have a very strong feeling of responsibility and the idea that they have to solve all their problems by themselves.

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Grounding and Shielding

by Anja Heij

With grounding or centering we mean being firmly present in your body and cleaning it from lower frequencies, so that the ‘holy spirit can descend into matter’ or, put in a different way, you can easily make contact with your intuition and unconsciousness knowledge. Shielding means using some energetic shield or defense to keep unwanted spirits and negativity out or your energy field. Especially before starting spiritual practice it is important to use shielding, because then you are opening up yourself for contact with other realms. If you are sensitive to absorbing problems, emotions, thoughts or even physical pain of others, it is advisable to ground yourself every morning and evening for a short while. And if you sense that others are tapping into your energy or spread a heavy, negative energy, immediately put an energetic shield around you.

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