
*Colourless, blue, white, grey, yellow, brown, peach, black and brownish-rose.
*Creates incentive to “go for” one’s dreams without restraint.
*Helps friendship, harmony, love and provides insight into relationships.
*Helps release trapped feelings.
*Barite is peach and black.
*It is helpful in rituals and spells designed to clear obstacles in one’s life path.
*Using barite helps to conserve energy, and so is helpful for those who have immune problems or who are excessively anxious or stressed.
*Helps to promote a balanced energy flow in the user.

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 – This interesting stone is peach and black. It is helpful in rituals and spells designed to clear obstacles in one’s life path.  Using barite helps to conserve energy, and so is helpful for those who have immune problems or who are excessively anxious or stressed. Helps to promote a balanced energy flow in the user.


— Carried while gardening, this stone increases the fertility and health of your garden. It is useful for general protection, and is especially protective for children. Agate helps in healing, especially blood, skin, and intestinal conditions. Agate can increase strength, restore bodily energy, increase courage, and even promote longevity. Useful in removing envious thoughts and spite and for help in easing stressful situations. Agate, especially banded agate, is also a good meditation stone.


*Keyword: Earthing.

*This stone has a powerful earth healer energy, which is not wildly exciting but is totally stable and safe.
*It makes you think very deeply, which teaches you to think before acting.
*Aragonite is used for general strengthening, grounding, stabilizing and centering of physical energies.
*It connects you to the Goddess and earth healing energies.

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*Apophyllite Information*

*Apophyllite is a very joyous and uplifting energy. It is very good to use if one feels depressed.

*As an elixir it is good for asthma and the respiratory system in general. It is also good for bringing love to ones heart.

*The rare green form of Apophyllite is good for activating the heart chakra. It is also an auric cleanser.

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African Pyrite

Used for focus, practicality, logic, memory, clearing fuzzy thinking/scattered ness etc. like Hematite. Helps Yellow Chakra: Stomach, intestines, ulcers; sulphur and mineral assimilation, circulation, body acidity imbalances, depression, illusions/lack of clarity about situations/people. Great for grounding spiciness after meditation/psychic readings. Represents Sun’s golden energy.

Cuprite by Rhiana Moonstar

Deep wine red. (High copper content) Opens flow of 1st/root and 3rd/stomach/power centers, Kundalini energy, willpower. Also, with heart chakra: strengthens thymus, heart, blood, and oxygen, metabolism, stamina and healing. Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (for men) and confidence/security issues. Access past life parent info for healing issues.

Practice #39B: Charge a Mirror

Do the same practice as above by projecting energy into a mirror. It is good to have the mirror positioned inside a triangle.

Both practices, the circle and the triangle, are an excellent help in the work with energies of a higher order. The circle removes the potential of manifestation for the energy. It is an insulating device for the practicing magician. The triangle generates a strong field of life energy that helps confining the energy within its limits.

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Learn How To See Life Force  Practice #1 – 3

Although this is not absolutely necessary for your beginning of magical practice, it is good if you learn to see life energy.

Practice #1: Hold both hands in front of you, about one foot from your eyes. Do so with a neutral background such as a wall. Have the fingers of both hands touch each other. Now very slowly pull the hands apart and see the “strings” that are still connecting the fingers that separate from each other. For some people it may take a bit of training, but it’s not difficult.

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Learn How To Feel Life Energy

Practice #4: Take the wand and point it to sensitive parts of your body.

  1. Feel one end of the wand with the palm of any one of your hands. To feel the life energy, hold the palm about one inch from the end of the wand.
    2. Point the wand to the wrist of the hand, again one inch away.
    3. Hold your fingers in front of the wand, one by one.
    4. Point the wand toward the area of the forehead that is in the center between the eyes, one inch away.
    5. Do the same thing with any other area of your body.

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